Chapter 17 - Second Date <3

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I did write a different update but it decided to delete, i can't remeber what i wrote so i decided to do this instead. Enjoy the update xoxo <3

Brittani's POV

I went to sleep with Jason's arm tightly hooked around my waist and that's exactly how I woke up, the only difference is that this time I really needed the toilet. I was well awake before Jason, I tried unooking his arm from my waist but it wouldn't budge. "Jase" I whispered, he didn't even flinch. "Jase" I said slightly louder. "Jason" I said while turning aroundto face him. "Jason Andrew Mccan!" I said even louder this time. I heard a low growl come from him, he slowly opened one eye and squinted at me "What?" he asked in his husky morning voice, I chuckled. "Let me go!" I whined. "No!" he said defiantly like a spoilt kid. He closed both eyes again, I studied him with intensity. "Please" I said in my sweetest voice. "If you give me a kiss I might think about it" he said, smirking. I looked at him and pecked him on the lips. He pouted, I chuckled slightly "That's all your getting, so get over it" I heard him chuckle. "Can you let me go now!" I asked, I heard a low growl and Jason's arm slowly unhooked from my waist. I got up from the bed and ran straight to the bathroom. When I came out I expected Jason to at least have moved, even slightly but he was in the exact same place as where I left him. I walked over to the bed and jumped on top of him, he groaned and I heard him curse under his breath. "What, now?" he groaned. "Umm.. just wondering what were gonna do today?" he opened one eye again studying me "Well I'm gonna introduce you to the rest of my gang and then I've got a suprise for you!" he said proudly. "But for now why don't you get off of me and go get ready!" he exclaimed before adding "your clothes are in the bathroom" was all he said before closing his eyes again. I hopped off of him and was walking away, until I noticed something "Are you just gonna go like that then?" I said sarcastically. He moaned, turning over again to face me "I take five minutes, you take five hours!" he yelled closing his eyes again. I turned and walked away muttering do not's and whatever's. I did my routine.. got in the shower, got dressed into this... (pic on side>>>), did my hair and then my make-up. I looked in the mirror and even though I hate admitting it Jason is quite good at choosing clothes.

I walked out and was suprised to see that Jason was ready, and he looked perfect.... as always. "Ready?" he asked and I just nodded. He leant close to me and before I noticed what he was doing he was biting and sucking on my neck. I tried to tell him to stop but it just came out in moans, when he was done he took a step back to admire his work. "Sorry, but I wanted to make sure they all knew you were mine, they get.... excited at times" he mumbled. "Now we're ready" he said before lacing my fingers with him and leading me down the stairs. We walked into the living room and there was around 4 guys all just sat around watching tv. Jason coughed slightly getting their attention. The only one I recognized was Chaz (Libby's boyfriend) he smiled at me. "Guys this is Brittani, Brittani this is Chaz, Justin, Ryan and Jaden." he announced "There's obviosly more people in the gang but these are higher up, but there are millions worldwide" he said proudly. They all said hi but I just waved. "Oh, you wanna sit down?" a boy asked... Justin I think. I was about to answer but Jason answered for me, "No, we're off out" and with that he walked off pratically dragging me with him.

I walked to his car but he pulled me away "We're off somewhere within walking distance today" he said as he pulled something out from behind his back..... a blindfold! "I'm not wearing that, who knows what you'll do to me!" I said dramatically, he chuckled slughtly but then became serious. "Do you trust me?" he asked in all seriousness. I nodded "Let me put this on you then, trust me" he said quietly claming me slightly. I nodded and all of a sudden the blindfold was added making everything go black. He led me and it felt like we were walking for around two minutes before he announced proudly that we were here. Then all of a sudden the blindfold was taken off of my eyes and I couldn't see because of the sudden light but once it all cleared I noticed how beautiful it was. We were under a tree and it had a hammock and was lit beautifully. Jason had made a picnic, he can be so sweet sometimes. "So... what do you think?" I looked over to him and grinned. "I love it, It's amazing!" I yelled in excitement.

First we had the picnic then for the rest of the day we just laid under the tree and enjoyed each others company, I know it sounds cheesy but it was one of the best days that i've had since my parents died. When we got home it was around eight at night, we watched a movie then we went to bed. He somehow ended up putting his arm around me again, so that's gonna be another eventful morning. "Night" he whispered quietly, "Night" I replied happily before I let myself fall into a deep sleep.

Cute Chapter <3 Awww second date. Jason is so bi-polar though. It's gonna be a dramatic update tommorow, more about who was at the door? But who was it?! Ideas?? Love all the comments i'm getting..... they make me happy :). Vote, Comment, Tell your Friends. Message me, Ask me a question if you have one <3 Next update coming tommorow, Vote please ;)

Byeee xoxoxo

Olivia <3

xoxoxoxoxoxo <3 ;>

Don't be Afraid (Jason Mccan Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora