Chapter 28 - Home...... Kind of

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Sorry I haven't updated in ages but I had this week off school and I was busy doing nothing of importance. But I'm going to make this chapter long to make up for it. Gonna dedicate this chapter to my best friend because our convos are amazing and she's beautiful. No more to say so...... yeah. Enjoy the update.

Brittani's POV

The drive back to Jason's seemed extra long since we didn't talk..... at all! Jason was sat there with a straight expression, staring into the road with intensity. I sat quietly minding my own business, replaying the events that had just happened. It was all happening in slow-motion, Libby getting shot and then everything else was all replaying in my mind. You could feel the tension in the air that was until Jason ruined it.. "Shit" he cursed loudly, I looked up from the floor confused. A loud sound came from behind the car and I turned to see flashing lights and sirens. The police! Maybe I'll get away from this bi-polar criminal that I call Jason. I smiled slightly thinking of home and all my friends.

The sounds of sirens gave me hope, Jason looked over to me and smirked "I'm not losing you, when I've just got you back" he muttered, I looked over to him and just as I did the car lurched forward, if we were already speeding then I wouldn't like to think what speed we were doing now! I turned in my seat to get a better look at the cars behind us but when I looked back I noticed that there were no other cars other than a black range rover that I recognised as Chaz's. But where did the police cars go? I looked over to Jason to see that he had somehow managed to make a phone out of thin air! "Yeah that was close but we got rid of them easy enough" he stated in a business-like fashion down the phone, I look into the car behind me and see that Chaz was also talking on the phone, meaning they were talking together. "Pull over" Jason demanded sighing. With no warning whatsoever Jason stopped the car causing it to screech to a halt as he turned into the side of the road, with Chaz pulling in after us. Both of them left their cars and proceeded to angrily slam their doors for no real apparent reason. I stayed sat in the car until my door swung open. "C'mon, out!" he mumbled, I just shook my head "It's fine I'll stay here" I mumbled. He shook his head "It wasn't a question!" I looked up to him as he nodded towards me "Are you gonna get out or am I going to drag you out?" he stated coldly. I nodded because, to be honest I really couldn't be bothered with the argument. I stood up from the car and started to walk to where Chaz was stood, I could already feel Jason's presence behind me as I walked, his protective shadow hovering over me but strangely it made me feel safe, protected almost.

But the mood soon went cold, "That was close man!" Chaz exclaimed as soon as we got to him. "And you think I don't fucking know that!" Jason shouted angrily and the more the conversation progressed the more I wished to just he sat in the car again. Everyone resorted to shouting but once it all died down, Jason started barking orders again. "Right Chaz phone and get new cars then burn the old ones and once we get back I'll get Carlos to look at Lib.

Within no time we were back into the new cars and were quickly speeding away from the now on fire cars to get away before they blow up into a million metal scraps. We just got away in time and once we got back on the road the familiar awkward-comfortable silence filled the car. "What did Alex say to you?" Jason turned asking me breaking the silence that I was finding quite peaceful. "Umm not much?" I mumbled, not sure of what to say and what would happen if I said the wrong thing. "Right now would not be a good time to decide to lie to me as I'm already pissed off!" he growled, sending shivers down my spine. "Umm he told me that he was your brother and that you owed him money?" I said questioning myself as I said it, but I decided that it was better than no answer. That was all I could remember and the rest was a blur that I would rather forget as soon as possible!

Jason nodded in approval and turned his attention back to the road. "Look I'm sorry I snapped but I've been really worried and I am really happy to see you" he mumbled under his breath like he was ashamed of admitting what he just said to me or something. I smiled at him and he must have saw because a weak smile tugged at the corners if his lips but he quickly refocused his attention on the road, causing his face to turn back to its normal miserable state. He may be beautifully handsome but the boy sure does know how to all the time!

I focused my attention on the window watching as the landscape flew by in a blur of green and blue. I tried to focus on one part of the window but the blur of the road made my eyes tired and before I knew it they were slowly closing, even as I fought the urge to just fall asleep the gap of light between my eyelids was becoming smaller and smaller by the minute until they were completely closed and I could feel myself falling into a deep sleep.

I was slowly becoming awake as I felt the car pull to a sudden stop and felt myself slowly become almost weightless, I opened my eyes, letting them get used to the light but that didn't take long as it was already dark. I looked up to find Jason carrying me, yet again! "Where are we?" I mumbled quietly into his chest, causing Jason to chuckle slightly. "Well, princess your home to your castle!" he pronounced it what you could probably classify as a posh voice. I looked up to see the familiar house, that I still thought was huge, that was now called home.....kind of.

 sorry it took so long but I started this update on Sunday and it took me quite a while but I decided to finish it tonight just for you guys <3 hope you liked it, let me know! Any ideas? Tell me I'm running out! ;) Vote, comment, fan, share, tell your friends. And I just wanted to say thank you sooooo much, I've nearly got 35,000 reads and I am just so happy :)
Love you guys <3

Olivia xoxo

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