Chapter 14 - First Date <3

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Aww cute chapter coming your way.... Sorry about the short chapters recently but I will try and make this one longer. I'll shut up now ;) Enjoy....,

Brittani's POV

It's been 3 days since Jason branded me and it still hurt but nowhere near as much as it did at first. I can move about now and me and Jason are getting along a lot better now. He hasn't hit since the argument so that's good (I think...)

I was still sleeping when he somehow walked into our room without me noticing. Next thing I know he's basically sat on me shouting "Brit..... Brittani, WAKE UP!!" I opened my eyes and glared at him, he just chuckled. "C'mon wake up I've got a surprise for you" he moaned. "What?" I sighed "I can't tell you or it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" He said slowly like I was stupid or something "Just five more minutes" I begged "!" he pouted like a small child. "Fine" I groaned swinging my legs over the side of the bed, allowing my body to follow. "Go get ready, I've put your clothes in the bathroom" he said. I just glared at him "Are you trying to say I'm not beautiful enough already?" I asked Jason just chuckled "Go, now!" he ordered. I just mumbled a fine and strolled into the bathroom. Lets see what clothes he's picked... shorts and a random top (Pic on side >>>) , not too bad. I got in the shower (you don't need to know details ;)) then dried my self and got dressed. I curled my hair and did my make-up. I was finally ready.

I walked down the stairs but was stopped halfway by Jason, looking stunning as always..... did I just say that! Anyway..... "You took your time" he said while smirking " Hey, it takes time to look this fabulous!" I joked and he just chuckled. "Um, were gonna go out of the back door?" he mumbled "Why?" I questioned suspiciously. "We have people over and I'd rather you not meet them" He explained, I looked deep into his eyes trying to find out more than he was telling me. "Ummm.... okay?" Was all I said and with that he grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out of the back door that I didn't know existed. I'll add that to my escape plan.

We got into Jason's car and as always he fastened my seat belt for me, obviously thinking I cannot manage to do something like that without help. "So..... where are we going?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence, I mean seriously has this boy never heard of music? "I've already told you.... it's a surprise!" he told me looking over and smiling as he said it "'It's not a long drive" he added. I basically sighed in relief, I don't know if I could stand much more of this silence. "Sooo.... what's your favourite colour?" I asked, I couldn't think of anything else to say. I could hear him chuckle but he still answered "Red, what's yours?" I had to think for a minute before answering "Ummmm pink, I think?" he looked at me with a quizzical (< good word) look "What do you mean, you think?" I looked at him and smirked "Well I'm not sure they change all the time" I mumbled he just chuckled and then for the rest of the drive it was silent, but this time it was a comfortable silence not an awkward one. I was deep I thought when I heard a excited voice exclaim "We're here!" I looked to the side of me and realized the excited voice was Jason's. I rolled my eyes thinking how much of a kid he sounded when he said that. I looked to see where we were and to be honest it made even me excited. A fun fair!

I squeaked in excitement. Jason just looked at me, squinting his eyes "Are you okay?" he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and sighed slightly "Yes, I'm just excited". He hopped out of the car and I tried to open the door only to realise that it wouldn't open. I tried again this time pulling harder. I looked out of the window to find Jason smirking looing down at me in amusement. He opened the door and helped me out "It's called child-lock" he laughed. I pouted "Do I look like a child?" He scanned me up and down with his eyes "I don't know you are quite short" I punched him in the arm "Shut-up!" I whined. He just laughed and put his arm around me. "Why are we here then?" I asked " Well I thought since your stuck with me, it would be nice to have a first date" he said proudly. "Who said this is a date?" he looked at me with amusement "I did!" he said triumphantly "Now where to first?" I had to think about that. "Ummm maybe some game stalls?" I'd always loved them since I was little. I'd only been to the fair once before. It was on my birthday and my parents brought me here, it was the year they died. We went on the ferris wheel five times. We had such a good time and they promised to take me there next year but they never got to. I felt tears in my eyes but I held them back and pushed the memory to the back of my brain. I hoped Jason hadn't noticed, he hadn't he was too busy rambling on about something that I probably had no interest in whatsoever. He looked down at me expecting an answer, I just nodded and tried to make it believable that I was listening.

"You don't have a clue what I said do you?" I just chuckled and shook my head " I said, do you want to go over there?" he pointed to a stall where you had to knock the coconuts off the pole-things (how cliché). I just nodded. I guess he saw me staring at this big unicorn thing because I can now see the determination in his eyes to win it. "Jason it's fine just leave it!" I exclaim he's basically used most of our money on this. The stall man looks at me sympathetically "Here look, you've pretty much bought the toy with amount of money you've spent you can have it" He said handing the unicorn to Jason, who then handed it to me. It's so fluffy I think I'm gonna die! (<Despicable Me Reference!) I said thank you to the man and so did Jason. He asked me where next and I just had to say the ferris wheel, we were close to it anyway. He agreed and the line wasn't that long, we only waited around five minutes. When we got to the front I was already really excited, I love ferris wheels. Sometimes I'm just like a little kid. When it started me and Jason were just talking about our likes and dislikes. "So do you like the unicorn?" he chuckled. I just nodded "Thanks for that by the way" I mumbled " I think I deserve more thanks than that" he smirked. I smiled at him "What do you want?" he smiled "I don't know maybe a kiss" he smirked. I leaned in an he did too. I just pecked him on the lips, he wasn't getting more than that! He pouted a bit but just accepted it. "Brittani, I wanted to ask you something?" I just looked at him "Umm.. well... will you be my girlfriend?" I looked at him and he just smiled. My brain was telling me to think about it but my heart just told me to say yes. And what can I say, I don't listen to my brain much. "Yes, I will" I smiled and Jason returned it by grinning "Great!"

The rest of the day went by in a blur and I had such a good time. Jason acted different he was really nice. I could get used to this side of him. I didn't see him frown all day. We went on loads of amusements and we played loads of the games. We even went into the nearby arcade and I beat him on the dance machine. He pouted but got over it. Next thing I knew we were heading back in the car. This time it wasn't silent it was filled with laughter and I somehow persuaded Jason to put music on.

The drive seemed shorter on the way back, probably because we were talking, rather than just sat there in silence! When we got home we walked through the front door and there was....

Aww sorry cliffhanger. Who was in the house? Got to wait until the next update (either tonight or tomorrow)! Long chapter for you. Aww first kiss on the ferris wheel <3  and now they go out. Hehe I liked writing this update, it was cute. New Jason... maybe? Comment, Vote, Tell Your Friends. If you've got a question, ask me! I'm a friendly person ;)

Byeeee xox

Olivia ;>  <3


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