"What are you doing?" Yoongi hissed, covering his eyes. "It's nothing you haven't seen before." Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows. He went to the toilet as Yoongi stood there awkwardly.

Jungkook washed his hands, then turned back to Yoongi. He flicked his wet hands at the latter, who didn't find it funny. "Are you feeling okay? Did you hurt yourself?"

"I don't know how I got here. One moment I was in our dorm's bathroom and now I'm here." "Dorm? We live in an apartment Yoongi?" Jungkook stepped forward, to which Yoongi stepped backward.

It made Yoongi snort. "Hah, I wish. It sucks sharing a room with six other people." "Yoongi we haven't shared a room since like.. twenty-fifteen." "What do you mean, it's twenty-thirteen right now?"

"Hyung.. it's twenty-eighteen."

The old looking Yoongi's jaw dropped at this 'new' information. "How the hell did I travel five years into the future?" He asked, mostly to himself.

"What? You're the twenty-thirteen Yoongi? How did you get here?" Jungkook felt like this was a prank? Did Jimin and Taehyung do this? It had to be them. He laughed for actually believing him for a second.

"Very funny Yoongi, Tae and Jimin did a good job recreating your look. I remember those fake chains, they looked so ridiculous." Jungkook laughed. Of course this was a joke, why didn't he realize this sooner?

"No, the look cool." Yoongi pouted. Yoongi looked down at the necklaces and rings wrapped around him. Jungkook stopped laughing.

"Are you for real? They looked so bad it was funny. Now go change, you look weird." Jungkook scrunched his nose and stuck out his tongue playfully.

"I think they are great for our first concept. I don't know why you think we are five years ahead in the future and I don't know where all this confidence came from but I don't like it."

"Are you for real about that? Babe, you can stop the joke now." "Ew, stop calling me that." Yoongi shuttered, not in a good way.

"Seriously, did you get injured during practice? What is up with you right now?" Jungkook was starting to actually get concerned now, teases going out the window. Why was his boyfriend acting so strange?

"No, what is up with you?" Yoongi exclaimed. "I don't know where we are, I just randomly showed up and you look way older than fifteen. You're not the Jungkook I know."

"Why would I be fifteen? I'm twenty." Jungkook shook his head. "And what do you mean that I'm not me? Do I have to prove it or something?"


"Okay.. Ask me a question only the 'real' Jungkook would know."

"What day are we going debut on? And what is our song we are debuting with?" Yoongi smirked, thinking he stumped the latter. The group hasn't told anyone anything about their debut, not even their families.

"Wait what? Going to debut on? Are you saying we haven't debuted yet?" Yoongi nodded slowly with confusion. "Yoongi, your jokes, which you rarely make, don't ever go on for this long. Please tell me your joking. Do you really think you're in twenty-thirteen?"

"Yes, I've been trying to get that through your thick skull.. You said it was twenty-eighteen earlier.. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I can show you it too." Jungkook motioned for Yoongi to come closer and pulled out his iPhone X. "Woah!" Yoongi's eyes widened.

"Damn I really must have traveled to the future or something. This technology is so.. wow. This is an apple product? I've never seen anything like it before." Yoongi gaped.

Jungkook opened up his phone and went to the calendar. "See, it says right here twenty-eighteen." He pointed at the screen. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "Shit I must be crazy for thinking I traveled into the future."

Jungkook was biting his lip. He was starting to think that too. The clues added up. This was really past Yoongi. "No, I think you're from the past." He shook his head with disbelief. How was this even possible?

"Okay, I have one last way to test if you're really the past Yoongi." Jungkook went to his contacts and pressed call. He set his phone on speaker so the both could hear. It rang for what seemed like forever.

Jungkook was ready to end the call but suddenly, it picked up. "What's up, kid? You're lucky I'm taking my five minute break right now." Yoongi's deep voice came from the speaker.

Jungkook and Yoongi were wide-eyed, Yoongi for hearing his own voice and Jungkook for knowing this wasn't a prank anymore. "When are you coming home?" Jungkook asked. He heard his Yoongi hum, presumably checking the time.

"Maybe not for another hour or two. Why, is something up?" The Yoongi on the phone asked with concern. "N-no, just missed you was all." "Agh, don't get sappy on me kid. I'll try to come home sooner so we can cuddle.. or you know have-." Jungkook quickly took his phone off speaker and brought the phone to his ear.

The twenty-thirteen Yoongi looked up at Jungkook. The damn kid was still taller than him five years later. Yoongi decided then and there to give up hope on growing anymore.

"Alright, bye."

Jungkook ended the call, looking back at Yoongi. "Well shit. You really are from the past."

"..And I'm really in the future."

The stood in silence, trying to break down the situation. "The others are gonna come back soon to question why I'm still in the bathroom. We need to move to my bedroom somehow." "And how are you planning to do that?"

Jungkook put a finger over his lips, signaling for the other to be quiet. Jungkook creaked the door open, just enough to be able to see. From where he stood, he could see a little bit of the living room and one of their rooms (Jimin and Hoseok's).

There was a mumbled conversation in the distance but not close enough to understand what was being said. The coast was clear, they had to go for it now.

Without giving a warning, Jungkook harsh grabbed onto Yoongi's forearm and made a run for it. He heard a 'Jungkook?' but didn't stop for the voice to come closer. He pushed Yoongi into his and Namjoon's room and locked the door.

"Holy shit."

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