"We're rigged for fast running only, people. No heavy armaments." 479er tells the group. 

"Team B will be North, Wyoming, and C.T. You will act as recon for Team A, and once we enter the building, you will disengage to attack the target on the freeway. North will lead Team B." 

"Got it." North says affirmatively. 

"What about Agent South?" CT asks. 

"Agent South will not be accompanying you on this mission. Due to her actions regarding her last mission." The Director says to the brown and white Freelancer. 

"Hmm, guess the world's a tough place when you move down a rank. And what about Agents Arizona and Texas? Will they be joining us?" 

"That's enough questions, Connecticut." The Director commands. 

"Notice he didn't say no..." She whispers to Wash. 

"Team B should be simple. Stop the vehicle and grab the case. Team A? You have more of a challenge. Mainly if the Sarcophagus is an unknown." 

"How unknown are we talking?" Wash asks. 

"Unknown in that we don't know its size, or its weight, or its dimensions. We just know it will have these markings somewhere on the exterior." 

Carolina presses a few buttons and a large red insignia appears above the screen."I saw those same markings on the oil platform." North says remembering. 

"Correct. That facility created the primary objective." The Director affirmates. 

"Do we know what's inside it?" Wash asks once again being the questionare. 

"Yes, we know." 

"How do we know what's in it, but not how big it is?" CT says confused. The Director turns to C.T. silently.

"Sorry, sir." CT turns away. 

"We have a job to do, people. Let's do it right and come home safe."'Carolina orders. Suddenly the door opens and everyone looks to see Arizona with his sword and sniper on his back, two SMGs on his thighs, and his arms crossed. 

"Ah Arizona, you have arrived. Just so we are all clear Agent Arizona will be accompanying Team A, that is all! You are all dismissed!" 

All the Freelancers and soldiers snapped to attention. "Sir, yes sir!" 


Inside the Pelican, Zone was sharpening his sword on his lap when Maine came up and sat next him. Zone nodded hello as Maine did back. 

"Hey Zone, question?" Wash asked sitting on the other side. Zone looked at Wash. "Did you really help some crazy-giant wolf?" Zone nodded in response. 

"Why, just out of curiosity?" York asked getting involved in the conversation. Zone shrugged not really thinking much of it. 

"And then helping that alien thing?" Zone immediately struck his sword into the deck in anger. Maine slid a bit back as Wash and York held up there hands in defense. 

"Geez, what did I say?" York asked confused. Zone just glared before sheathing his sword on his back. Carolina then remembered how he smacked the medic for calling the Elite a thing. He must've had some history with the Sangheili. 

"Team A, you look clear. Window is open. Start your clocks. On my mark. Mark." North announced over comms. 

"Sync. Roger that. Team A is moving." Carolina confirmed. 

"Copy that Carolina. Good luck Team A." 

"Thanks. We won't need it." 


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