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"Madame President, if I may just ask you about something that's worrying me?" asked Jennifer as they made their way back to the torpedo room.


"My father, I understand he was taken somewhere for questioning?"

"He was taken to a secure unit in England."

"I thought he had been taken to Area 51" said Jennifer.

"I was briefed before I came here. As far as I know he was spoken to but only for a short time. He's already back at your home. Confused probably, but perfectly safe."

"Then why did they take him."

"They were more interested in who had been in your house, Jennifer. Once that was established it became clear your father knew nothing about it and he was released."

"He will be worried about me."

"Our business here is complete Jennifer. We can take you home now." said Reef.

"Or I can arrange to have you taken back if you prefer." said the President.

"Thank you, but I would prefer to travel back the way I came."

"That's fine, Jennifer." said the President.

"The crew will awaken soon Madame President. We need to leave." said Reef.

"Our meeting has been so brief and there is so much that I would love to ask you." said the President.

"We will return in time and all your questions will be answered. For now, our time is short and we must leave. Our Council awaits the outcome of our meeting and we need to report back." said Reef.

"I understand. There is only one thing for me then – the scientist, Dr Mao, is with you. Will you have her returned to us?"

"Yes, she is on our ship. I will send her back to you once we are on-board. We will message you once she is on her way."

When they arrived at the torpedo room the President went to the breech door of the torpedo tube.

"I'm afraid, although I watched Admiral Lee work this, I don't know how to."

"I do, Madame President" said Reef. "When Jennifer and I are in the tube, you press this button to flood it. When the tube is flooded, this light will turn green and then you press this button to open the outer doors. We will then be able to leave. I suggest you admit Dr Mao back through the conning tower hatch which will be a lot simpler. The Captain will be awake by then."

"I understand." said the President "So this is goodbye then."

"Say not goodbye but rather farewell." said Reef "The fate of the world lies in your hands now."

The President shook Reef's hand before both he and Jennifer donned their goggles and mouthpieces then entered the torpedo tube. As before, it filled with water, the outer hatch opened then they were away, swimming back to the invisible ship. As they approached, the ship shimmered into view. The outer door of the pressurized hatch opened and they entered. Within a minute the chamber was drained and they breathed the cool air once more. Once through, they were greeted inside by Shaana.

"Well?" she asked.

"Our mission is complete." said Reef.

"They returned the data?" asked Shaana.

"Yes, I have the disc." said Reef. "The President has agreed to initiate a plan to unify the Earth nations."

"That is great news. We will need to tell the Council our mission has been successful." said Shaana. "Dr Mao is waiting for us."

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