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Sunday morning came and Jennifer came back to consciousness. She had slept deeply, one of those sleeps that makes you forget the world until, piece by piece, as you return to consciousness, everything comes back and you adjust from your dreams back to reality. The needle jets of the hot shower completed her revitalisation and she went downstairs for breakfast - orange juice and Special K at the table in the kitchen, then tea. Her father came in while she ate. He had been out to get the Sunday papers, to read in the conservatory. Another of his habits. He was sitting, deep in an article from the Times when she came in to say goodbye.

"Going for another walk?" he said inquisitively.

"It's a nice morning, I'm going to the forest with Ava."

Another change in her routine. She didn't normally walk Ava on Sundays and two days in a row? Again, he thought it a little odd, but dismissed it from his mind and went back to reading the paper.

As she drove back to Grizedale forest, she realised her father was detecting the minute changes in her behaviour and made a mental note to cover them up where she could. She parked her car in the same place it had been the day before. There were other cars there this time. People were out enjoying the bright Sunday morning. She let Ava out of the car and followed the path back to the waterfall, meeting several people on the way – men and woman pushing prams, young couples holding hands, looking more at each other than at the river or the bare trees of the oncoming winter. Ava seemed just as, or more, energetic than ever, showing no sign of what had happened the day before.

When they were almost at the waterfall, Jennifer noticed a few people standing there, watching the water crash in white foam on the rocks. She veered off the path, keeping out of their view, and went up the hill. When she reached the barbed-wire fence, she looked behind to check no one was about, and stepped into the field. Ava was already through and running on in front. As Jennifer neared where the ship had been, it suddenly shimmered into view, the ramp already extending as the door slid back. Reef appeared at the doorway. When she got to the door he hugged her and brought her in as before, this time to his rest room left of the MedLab. The show of affection from the man she had thought a little cold when she first met him surprised her. The room had a metal floor and walls. It was wedge shaped like the others, bare but functional. There was a bed and a metallic padded chair sat in front of a metal desk. A cubicle that looked like a shower was in a corner. Jennifer told Ava to sit.

"Thank you for coming back. Were you able to use your father's computer?"

"I was.  I found this."

She took her purse from the handbag slung over her shoulder, and brought out the piece of paper with the Intel address on it. She almost handed it to Reef but then stopped. Before she gave it to him she said "I know you can speak English, but can you read as well?"

"We have communicated with your people for many years. I can speak and read English, and many other of your languages. It is necessary for my mission here."

She felt silly for asking. She was beginning to realise how more advanced he was. He took the piece of paper from her and read the address.

"Intel seems to be a big chip manufacturer, they should have the type of machine you're looking for."

"California. That is not on this island."

He seemed dismayed.

"That's all I could find. I was thinking we could go there together. I have money; we could fly there within the next few days."

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