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The short green grass of the White House South Lawn was whipped around and flattened as Marine One landed. The rotor blades slowed, but did not stop completely, as the side door of the helicopter opened. A solitary Marine, in dress uniform of black jacket, trousers with a red stripe, white peaked hat and white gloves, marched out and came to attention beside the open door as the Nighthawk flight crewman in charge of Payload rolled out the small staircase. The President and her two Secret Service agents, walked quickly to the helicopter door.

The President had changed into trousers and a warm, padded, North Face jacket. The Secret Service men were similarly dressed in rugged trousers, boots and the same sort of dark blue jacket as the President. The solitary marine rattled to attention and saluted as the President boarded. Although she would have normally, the President did not salute back. The rotors sped up again, the machine took off very quickly and joined four, more or less, identical craft hovering above the White House in a clear blue sky. When Marine One flies it always flies in a group as a security measure. One chopper carries the President while the others act as decoys. After take-off, they shift in formation (This is sometimes referred to as the "Presidential Shell Game") to confuse an attack. As Marine One joined the formation, the other four took up their positions, their noses dipped and they all shot off, heading south east.

Peter Carrera, the President's Special Agent in charge of the White House, passed a note through to Major Gina Latero, the chopper pilot. The note gave the latitude and longitude for the rendezvous point, a few miles west of the co-ordinates they had given to Doctor Mao.

"How soon can you get there?" he shouted to her.

Major Garrett, the co-pilot, punched the co-ordinates into the navigation system. The distance flashed up as 632 miles.

"Our VNE is 350." Latero said, "At safemax I can make it in under two hours."

Carrera looked at the President. She nodded acceptance. There was nothing else for it. They had asked for a meeting and she had agreed. The time limits could not be met. They would realise that. Perhaps she should let them know. She took out her mobile and phoned the number she had been given.

On-board the ship, they were waiting in the conference room for the further details the President had promised. The silence was broken by the ring of Doctor Mao's phone which she had left sitting in the middle of the conference room table. Doctor Mao snapped up the phone. The caller showed as 'Unknown'. She swiped the answer icon and put it on loudspeaker. The President's voice could just be heard above the noise of the helicopter rotors.

"Doctor Mao, I'm on my way to you." she said.

"Thank you Ma'am for letting us know."

"The place we've agreed to meet is 600 miles away from where I am now. It will take me about two hours to get there."

Doctor Mao looked at Reef. Time had already passed, more time than the Council had allowed. Reef nodded

"Tell her we'll wait." he said in her thoughts.

"That's fine Ma'am, we understand. We can wait."

"Thank you. I'll be there as soon as I can." said the President.

The phone beeped and the call was over. The President wanted to say as little as possible on an open line. There was a pensive silence between them all until it was broken by Shaana.

"Would you like to look around the ship Doctor Mao?" she asked.

"You must have read my mind." said the Doctor, "I'd love to."

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