Chapter X - LANGLEY

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Dr. Mao and the two aides wheeled Reef's body into the Langley Science Lab. They were welcomed by the Chief Physicist, Dr Schumann. At first glance he looked like Albert Einstein. Like Einstein, his main science interest was physics but like Mao, he had qualifications in other branches of science too, including pathology. Once the casket was placed in the lab the aides left, leaving Mao & Schumann alone.

"And what have we here?" Schumann said as Mao opened the casket lid.

"This was recovered from the 'Aurora' project. Apparently efforts were made to recover it alive."

As the lid opened, wisps of white gas exuded from the casket. As they cleared, Schumann could see the heavy gunshot damage to Reef's chest.

"To no avail it seems. This will not help relations." he said, looking closely at Reef.

"Should there ever be any you mean, Project Aurora has been destroyed."

"Destroyed? All of our work? What about the research data?"

"The computers were caught in cross fire. The data was mostly destroyed too. Luckily, there is one backup copy."

"But it will take years to recreate the work, even with that."

"Well, maybe not, we still have the second Flight Shell."

"That won't help much. It's the engine tech that's needed. What are we to do with this one?" said Schumann turning to Reef.

"A standard examination. This one is wearing some sort of camouflage suit we have not seen before. It changes colour like a chameleon, making it difficult to see. It also prevents the wearer showing up on thermal imagery. We've been asked specifically to remove the suit and make an analysis. The girl has escaped too."

"Shaana? She won't get far."

"They don't know about that, I was talking to Banner on the way here. He thought she may have got out of the complex."

Schumann undid the latches on the sides of the casket and together they lowered the right hand side. Dr Mao wheeled a trolley bed over so it was beside, and level with, the casket. They positioned themselves at the top and bottom of the casket. Schumann took hold of Reef's body from under his armpits and Mao took hold of his feet. Together they lifted Reef out and onto the trolley. They wheeled him to the surgical table in the middle of the room and lifted his lifeless body onto it. Dr Mao found the catches on Reefs suit and undid them. She removed the suit carefully. They placed Reef's broken body in a thick, black rubber body-bag and zipped it up. Schumann took the stealth suit out to the lab bench to examine it. He placed it on the examination platform of a large electron microscope.

"This is a new material," he said, still with his eye to the eyepiece, "Are you sure it can change colour?"

"It was seen to change colour by the soldiers who found him."

"Well, how it works isn't obvious. I can see a cellular network running through it but it has . . . no, . . . wait, . . . I see micro power cells woven into the material. Very clever. Yes, very clever."

The Doctor spoke to himself, admiring the technology behind the suit.

"Do you think it could be reproduced?" asked Mao.

"I don't know. Given time, perhaps." Schumann sounded dubious.

"If we can tell Washington that much, it'd be something. They won't be pleased when they hear the engine has been destroyed."

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