Chapter V - ARM

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The rain bounced violently on the bonnet of Jennifer's Land Rover. It was a continual torrent that could be seen in the sweep of the headlights as they turned onto the M6 bound for Cambridge. Jennifer had left a note for her father. 


Amber 'phoned and asked me down for the night.

Might be late back.

See you soon.


She hoped that it was enough to explain the unplanned absence and she had gone to visit Amber before, sometimes completely unplanned. Reef read her thoughts.

"I think the note was fine."

Jennifer wondered if she would ever get used to the intrusion into her mind.

"I hope so."

The miles passed until, just south of Manchester, they turned east towards Nottingham. They had passed a few motorway service stations. She had thought of stopping, just for a break, but had decided against it. She thought it best to keep Reef out of the public eye as much as possible. When, eventually, they passed Nottingham it was after 11 o'clock and she had driven constantly, most of the time at high speed, 70 and sometimes 80 miles an hour, in the unforgiving company of the aggressive drivers who travel those southbound roads.

"I can drive from here if you wish." said Reef.

She glanced at him with a slightly surprised expression.

"Could you learn to drive so quickly?"

"I can already drive this vehicle and many other types. Part of my training, before I came here, was to learn how to drive, or pilot, most of your craft."

"Thanks, but I'm OK – there isn't far to go. What should I be looking for now?"

Reef flicked the switch for the overhead map reading light and looked at the page with the directions they had downloaded previously.

"It says 'Take the exit for the A1303 to Cambridge, then turn left at the roundabout next to the airport'."

Jennifer glanced at the satnav. She could see A1303 was at the top of the screen as the next junction. When, a short time later, they came to the blue motorway sign for the A1303, it shone brightly with the reflection of the car's headlights. Jennifer indicated left, took the exit, and then followed the directions as the satnav called them out. She headed towards Fulbourn then crossed a level crossing. The next landmark was a supermarket and then, at last, Peterhouse Technology Park. As she turned right at a mini roundabout, the ARM building came into view.

"Stop here – don't get too close" said Reef firmly.

She brought the car to a stop, turned the engine off and the lights out. They sat, silently, both of them looking at the building. It was an ordinary looking, two storey office block with six surrounding buildings in a cluster, not in the least as Jennifer had expected. She had thought it would be some sort of impenetrable fortress.

"Don't let the exterior fool you, this building will have extensive security. There are industrial secrets worth millions or billions of your pounds here."

"Will you be able to get in?"

"I think so. We will see."

He took his bag from the back of the car, opened it, and took out the one-piece suit he had been wearing when she had first met him in Grizedale Forest. As he took it from the bag she could see it shimmering, a silvery grey, in the darkness of the car. He wriggled into the back of the car between the seats, took off his coat, polo neck jersey, and jeans, slipped them into the bag and pulled on the suit. He closed his eyes momentarily and the suit instantly darkened, becoming as black as night.

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