Chapter VI - NEVADA

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When Jennifer said that she would be staying with Amber, her father was, as she had expected, disappointed. He had thought she would be at home during the end of term break and he loved having her in the house during the day. He had made little plans in his head about what they could do but he understood that Amber lived alone, and his reaction wasn't as bad as she had thought it would be. He was curious why she was leaving so early. He could not understand why she would drive all the way to Amber'shouse only to return home and go back to her. It made no sense but he stopped just short of disbelieving her.

"Will you be back next week?" was all he had asked. She apologised as best she could and avoided too much eye contact. She didn't know how long she would be away but he wasn't to worry – she would be in touch.

In her bedroom, although Reef had said she wouldn't need anything, she packed an overnight bag with some personal things and spare clothing that she thought she might need. She said goodbye to her father.

"Don't forget to feed Ava!" she called. Then she was gone and he watched her from the window, as she drove down to the road.

In Grizedale Forest car park she stopped the car and turned the engine off. It had not occurred to her before, but she realised now that it could be parked here for days. She wondered if it would attract attention. Maybe the police might investigate it? They might call at the house and ask questions. If that happened it would certainly upset her father. Maybe Reef would have an idea what to do. She put on the Thought Enhancer.


The reply in her brain was almost immediate.

"I'm here, Jennifer."

"Reef, I'm in the forest but I'm worried about my car. If I leave it here too long it might raise suspicions."

"I've thought about that. It might be useful to us if we brought it with us."

"OK, but how? The lane to the field you're in is too narrow for the car."

"Leave that to me. Come to the ship on foot."

"Did the chip work?"

"Most of the systems are back on-line and I hope the propulsion system will work too but I don't know yet. I'll know when we try to take off."

She lifted her bag, locked the car and made her way to the ship. As before, it shimmered into view on her approach. Reef was waiting for her at the top of the ramp. He showed her down the corridor to the left, past the main computer room and into another room on the right.

 "You can have this room. I hope you like it."

He opened the door and she followed him into a room that was almost identical to his own rest room, spartan but functional. Just like the rooms she had already seen, it was wedge shaped. She left her things down – her handbag and the backpack she had brought as her overnight bag.

"Are you sure you want to come with me?"

He wanted to give her a last chance to change her mind.

"Yes, I want to." 

She smiled at him and he was pleased that she seemed enthusiastic but he felt guilty that she could not know the danger that awaited them

They went to the Bridge. Reef passed his hands over the sensors in a circular bank of controls in the centre of the room, to make the ship ready for take-off. Views of outside the ship appeared on four screens around the wall. Jennifer could see green grass and the trees in the field they were sitting in on all four screens.

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