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John Gint worked as a Research Assistant for the CIA and lived alone in an apartment in Virginia, paid for by them. Diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when he was a teenager, he had been a loner since childhood. He found it awkward to form friendships. He was unmarried and had no partner. He preferred it that way. He worked long hours (sometimes weeks on end) in Area 51 and sometimes, depending on which project he was working on, in Langley. He preferred to unwind selfishly, and without the trappings of married life or a 'relationship'. Gint was exactly the sort of person needed for the job he did and the secrets he kept. He was about to settle down at his computer for an evening of Warcraft battlegrounds when the phone rang.


It was Joanne Nielson, Head of the Technological Development unit of the C.I.A.

"Yes Joanne. How are you?"

Dispensing with pleasantries she said "John, something's come up. We need you in Langley this evening."

"Important?" he asked, trying to get her to elaborate.

"Can't say any more. Be at Langley for 8pm. See Dr Mao. Thanks. Bye."

He put the phone down. "That's odd" he thought. "What could it be?"

* * *

A few hours earlier Shaana had brought the ship in to land softly in Shenandoah National Park in the Blue Ridge Mountains west of Virginia.

While Jennifer slept, she had been busy, using the ship's replicators to make 'business' suits for the two of them – smart, dark blue jackets and trousers. Jennifer was in her room trying on. She had already eaten the food Shaana had prepared for them both. Jennifer went into the other rest room.

"How do I look?" she asked Shaana.

She was wearing her suit with flat shoes and a light blue blouse underneath.

"Fine. What do you think of mine?" said Shaana.

Shaana's was almost identical but with a white blouse.

"You look the part, speaking of which, what part is it?"

"The 'part' of CIA staff. We will need to blend in if we are to pass the security in Langley. All we need now are identity passes."

"Not easy to come by I would have thought"

"No, but Mr Gint will be able to help us with that. Come with me please."

Shaana brought Jennifer into the workshop room where the replicators were.

"Won't we have to come back here if he gives us his pass?"

Shaana looked quizzical.

"To make copies of his pass for us?"

"No, this little machine here is designed to make exact duplicates. It also allows us to make slight alterations to the details like names and numbers - look."

Shaana held up a little metal box, again about the size and shape of a slim mobile phone.

"Give me your credit card."

Jennifer took her VISA card from her purse and gave it to Shaana. Shaana fed it into a slot on the end of the box. It had a small screen with a keyboard on it. Using her finger she typed her name 'Shaana' onto a little screen on the front and in seconds Jennifer's original card and a copy came out of the other end. Shaana gave them to Jennifer. Jennifer examined the copy. It was an exact replica, except the name said 'Miss Shaana Andrews'.

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