
18 0 1

Sami POV

I woke up to the sound of thunder, the loud sound making my ears ring. I look at my clock and notice that I only have a couple of hours before my flight. I rush out of bed and straight into the bathroom, I brush my teeth and comb my hair; I'm too lazy and late to do other things. I grab my already packed suitcase and go outside.

As soon as I get outside I regret it, the cold rain makes my hair wet and I forgot to grab decent clothes. I groan and rush back inside, making sure to wear comfortable clothes and grab an umbrella. I check my phone and start running faster to grab a cab, only 5 hours left. 


I finally reach the train station at 4:30, the perfect time. I go through all the standard stuff and finally get on the train. I get to my seat, waiting for the people who were going to be next to me to come. I grab a book and start reading, then I see a body coming this way, I put the book down and look up at the person who stopped beside my seat.

My eyes widen, it was Elina! I furrowed my eyebrows and she did the same, "What are you doing here?" I question, she laughs, "Seriously? That's what you ask after 8 years of not seeing each other?" I could feel my face growing hot, Elina laughs again. "I'm just joking."

The ride was super awkward, at least for me, I don't know about Elina. I try to pay attention to the book but I keep getting distracted by the awkwardness. The silence is killing me, suddenly it's broken. "Where are you going?" Elina asks me, I look at her and shrug. "I'm going to Seoul." Elina nods, "I'm going to Seoul too, but probably not where you're going." I just nod awkwardly, not knowing how to end the conversation. "I should probably read this book," I say, then immediately mentally slap myself. "Yeah," she replies.


I step out of the train station and take a deep breath, ah, Seoul. I take a cab and inform the driver where to go. Namsan park. It takes a couple minutes and I pay the driver, "Thank you!" I can feel my hands grow sweaty. I slowly walk towards the person, I take a deep breath again. "Hey."


Hey guys! I've been posting a lot of chapters lately, and as you can see this one is grammatically correct and it has the right punctuation. I hope to have more like these! 

Hey guys, that was Sami that wrote the story and wrote the note on top of mine.

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