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-Ian pov-

I was woken up by my phone ringing so of course I answered

"What is it Lan?"

"Ian I heard you joined BTS" 

"Oh ya I forgot to tell you cause I fell asleep after they texted me sorry..."

"it's fine i'm very happy for you and um it's 6 p.m."

"OMG YOUR RIGHT i'm soo soo sorry... can we do it another time?"

"Ya sure did you finsh your homework?"

Homework? OMG MY HOMEWORK thanks to Landon I'll finish it.

"Omg Lan your right i'll do it right now bye"

                                       -Ian has hung up-

-30 minutes later-

Their i'm done all I need to do is pack and get ready for the new place the CEO already gave me the address of my dorm but I still cant image me in BTS it's very weird.

                                               The Bros Group Chat 

Ian: Um guys can one of you come over to my place and help me pack?

Darion: Where are you going?

Landon:     ^^^^^^^

Ian: Have you heard I'm moving to Seoul 

Darion: So your leaving Daegu?

Ian: Yup sorry for the late talk but I have to get my stuff shipped their and I need to get on a train their and jungkook is going to pick me up so is Namjoon but you get the point.

Landon: I can't go i'm busy today

Darion: Sure I'll come over in 10

Ian: Thank you Darion, Landon I understand hope I can see you before I leave

Landon: Ya hope so..

Well i'm lucky I have quite a few boxes laying around so those can come in handy, I'll open the door so Darion can come in and I don't have to get up from packing to get the door. 

-Third person-

So after a while Darion went to Ian's house to help pack, Darion was proud that his friend is going to be in a famous band but never in a million years would he think it was going to be BTS. "So Ian i'm glad your going to take this job it really means a lot to us that your becoming a rapper or beatboxer" "Thanks Darion I really don't think Landon wants me to move away he sounded sad when I told him". "Oh don't worry about him he's in a phase like remember in 5th grade he would hit almost everybody" "oh ya I remember I feel sorry for them" "Ya, but he'll get over it trust me". "Alright I trust you" then Darion smiled at Ian and Ian smiled back, they went back to work because they couldn't be wasting time because Ian had to leave in 2 days. While Ian was taking a box over to the truck he saw Landon walking down the street not looking busy but with J.T. Ian felt upset that his best friend would go out to be with his other friend. Ian just shook it of and choose not to say good bye to Landon when he left he was going to make phone calls to all the close people that he would talk to most times. But first Ian wanted to see what Big Hit posted on their Twitter

-Ian Pov-

Big Hit Posted at 4:23

Hello A.R.M.Y today we will announce the new member of BTS! So we are all curios on who this person is?, well his name is Ian He will be a backup dancer and a rapper. Please go and give Ian some love and don't show hate on him or you will be blocked from us, we have done that so many times when you guys were showing hate to j-hope but now j-hope is happy and people are nicer to him. Go follow Ian on Twitter Ianthe8th

(Blocked by Big Hit)Pupchup: Eww Ian I don't  think this guy is good enough for BTS neither is j-hope kick them both out they are not talented.

J-hopeofficial: Hello Please don't start drama with Ian I understand what he's going through I went through the same thing so don't hate on Ian!

Ianthe8th: Thank you very much J-hopethesun I feel blessed to have someone to cover for me.

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The 8th member of BTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon