"Hey," I turned to see a blonde boy with a lip piercing and a strong accent, looking at me with his locker open a few down from mine.

"Hey," I answered. I don't really respond to anyone, I don't really have friends except for Michael. No, he's not my best friend, he's just a really good friend.

"Could you help me find room 107?"

I closed my locker and chuckled while crossing my arms "You're new." I stated.

"Yeah, Luke Hemmings." He smiled with his hand out.

"Lola Heart, to everyone, Heartless Lola or The Freak." I push his hand back to him. The nicknames suits me but they aren't that clever.

"Why is that?"

"Ask around then tell me what you think of me." I tell him before walking away. I know I was a jerk to do that but people should've warned him.

I walked to history class and waited till the bell rang. I, of course sit in the back, I don't listen to the lesson and I don't really need to anyway. My dad is a History teacher at the University nearby.

When the bell rang, only a few students came in, then the second bell rang. Kids came rushing in and almost falling once they entered the classroom which enlightened me.

"Is this Mr. Howard's World history class?" The same blonde guy with the lip piercing walked in with his face down looking at his paper in his hands.

"Yes, you must be Mr. Hemmings." Mr. Howard said.

"Luke." he said looking up at the teacher.

I knew what room he was talking about when he asked but I wanted him to know about me before thinking of talking to me, ever again.

"Well, welcome. Please take a seat anywhere." Mr. Howard tells the new boy.

He was about to sit in the open seat next to me but I put my bag there. He mouthed an 'okay' before sitting in the seat behind me.

"Well, hello Lola." He greeted me.

I turned around and looked at him "Well, goodbye Luke."

A test was handed out to us and I was done in a matter of minutes. No need to double check my answers or second guess myself. I got up and grabbed my bag then handed my paper in.

"See you tomorrow." I said to Mr. Howard while exiting the class.

I don't stay for the lesson and I don't care if I get in trouble with my parents for not being in class. I already know the answers so why waste my time sitting when I could do something productive? I went to the library and went on the computer then Michael joins me ten minutes later just like he always does.

"How's your day so far?" he asked as he goes on the other computer to help me with my search and his own.

"I would say the same old but a guy talked to me this morning." I tell him as I look through many Google searches.

"I'm guessing he's new." he said as he clicks away on the computer.

"Yeah. His name is Luke Hemmings." I smiled deviously.

"You didn't talk to him did you?"

"I did but it's just to tell him to ask around about me."

"What did he say anyway?"

"He asked me where room 107 was, I didn't give him an answer."

"Isn't that your class right now." I nodded and smiled "So how's the search for you?"

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