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I know a lot of u didn't like the ending, trust me I didn't top but like...I wanted this story to also have a lesson. The lesson is...we can't always get what we want. That's just life. Like in the story, Roni wanted Aaron to survive but then....Aaron could. Roni wanted Aaron to shoot her but instead he killed himself FOR HER. So yeah we can't always get what we want. Life is full of ups and downs. We all have our own story, every story has happiness, problems and memories. If I was a reader of this book I wouldnt like the ending too cuz AARON DIED?! WTF! yeah I know. Yes Aaron didn't deserve to die. Yes Aaron deserved so much more (my precious baby rlly deserved so much more). But there is always gonna be a time in life in where...we don't have any other choice or something. Aaron shot himself because he couldn't shoot either his girlfriend or his brother. He loved them more than he ever loved himself that's why he did it. Not every story has a happy ending.  Love makes us do crazy things. I might do a prequel but idk let me think about it.

This is the first story I've ever finished. It surprised me how many of you liked it. It had 16k views. It was number one on Merrell Twins, RonRon, and Aaronica. It was #4 on Veronica Merrell and #7 of Vanessa Merrell. It was also #605 in fanfiction. Never in the world would I have ever thought this book would even get 1k views. And i was so shocked when I saw it was 16k. I can't thank you guys enough.  Thank you for supporting me and this book. I'm sorry for the sad ending. Tbh I only planned  book with only 20 chapters but then u guys wanted more so I gave u more! It was definitely one hell of a book. From enemies, to friends, to best friends, to lovers, to runaways, to breakups, to make ups, to friendship fights, to rape, to marriage, and now to death. I will be publishing my next book next week or 2 weeks from now. It depends. But the upcoming book will be called Lies Are The Truth. It will be a RonRon and KiaNessa story as requested. I promise you it will he better, it will have better writing, punctuations, spelling, grammars and etc. Before I forget I also wanted to thank the people who's helped  me write the story. You  know who you are, thank you for helping me and supporting me. So yeah! Thank you guys so much! Everything I Ever Wished For is now completed. Ily guys! Also don't forget to smile everyday. As Aaron keeps saying "be true and be you". So like yeah! Thank you!!!!

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