Chapter 45: Adopted

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Y'all are gonna feel bad for Ethan more in this chapter get ready lol

The next day
Roni's POV.

I haven't slept all night I kept thinking about Aaron. I don't know how to feel anymore. I can't officially leave Ethan bc I still do love him. I also can't ignore Aaron because I have feelings for him. I don't wanna hurt any of them but I have to make a decision either way. Aaron left me three years ago but that was for my protection. He did it for me. He left for me. He gave up everything for me. But as I said before we could've gone through it together. In the other hand, Ethan has always always been there for me in my darkest days he was my light but I don't rlly feel the same way as before. I would feel so in love with him before but now....I don't know. I was in the beach side rn just looking at the beautiful ocean. I'm here alone cuz I needed time to think.

"Hey" someone said. I looked at my back and saw Ethan. "Hey E" I said "why are u here alone?" Ethan asked. "I needed time to think. Why are u here?" I asked. "Same reason" Ethan said. "oh ok" I said. "Roni what happened to us?" Ethan asked. "Honestly Ethan I don't know. I mean we were doing so well, we were so happy but idk maybe we just stopped clicking" I said. "What does that mean?" Ethan asked. "I don't know E. I don't know okay" I said. "Roni I wanna tell u something. I've been wanting to tell u this for a very long time now..." Ethan said. "okay..." I said. "Grayson and I never told anyone about this but I think it's time to tell u since u mean so much to me. Uh Grayson and I.... we- we're-" he was stuttering. "U were what?" I asked. "We were...adopted."Ethan said as my eyes grew wide. "U WERE ADOPTED?!" I asked.

"Yeah. My birth parents gave Grayson and I away and from what I've heard they did that bc they said they weren't ready for a child. So we were given away to a random stranger, we grew up thinking those ppl were our parents until they told us when we were 6 years old. Those ppl who adopted us abused us, punished us, talked shit about us, embarrassed us, and a lot more. It wasn't easy. Grayson and I wanted to fight back with the words he was saying but we couldn't cuz if we did....we would've been thrown out of the house. We were broke Roni, we had no one. No friends, no family, we just had each other. At that time I had depression and anxiety. I would always get anxiety attacks. I've also had anger issues, I hurt Grayson before, that was the worst thing I ever did my entire life. Grayson and I got beat up  by our dad before not our birth dad but you know what I mean . Grayson and I ran away when we were 13.  We started making our own life. We  never saw them again, we never want to. They made me think I wasn't enough for anything, I wasn't good at anything. My past always haunted me until  u were the light in my darkness. U made me see the good in everything. I used to think that the whole world was cruel and everyone was cruel but...u changed my perspective of that, u made me feel loved Roni, u made me learn how to love. You mean the entire world to me Roni . I got jealous because I didn't want to lose you. I don't ever want to lose you. Because you and Grayson are the only family I have left. Pls Roni I'm sorry" Ethan said.

"E" I said as I hug him and he cries. "I can't lose you Roni pls I can't" Ethan said. "You won't. " I said

What do I do?! I feel so bad for Ethan right now. I had no idea he was adopted. This makes me feel even worse. The fact that his own dad abused him and Grayson are just unacceptable. I always thought E and Gray lived a happy life. I guess I was wrong. But what about my feelings for Aaron? What do I do with them? I can't just ignore them. But I feel so bad for Ethan. He doesn't deserve this.  But so does Aaron. GOSH THIS IS SO HARD.

Ethan and I talked for awhile until I decided to go back to my room where Nessa and Marco are. "Marco give us a minute pls" I said as Marco nods and leaves Nessa and I alone.

"What's up?" Nessa asked. "Ethan and Grayson are adopted" I said as her jaw dropped and her eyes wide open. "No" Nessa said. "Yes" I said. "THEYRE WHAT?!" Nessa asked. "They're adopted" I said. "i- I'm shook" Nessa said. "Me too" I said. "how? What? Why? When? Huh?" Nessa asked. "Ethan told me. When his birth mom gave birth, she wasn't ready yet so she gave them away to a stranger. E and Gray grew up with ppl who they thought was their parents, they would always get abused and beaten up by their dad. They were treated like total crap Nessa." I said. "Oh my God how did we not know about this?" Nessa asked. "...idk they never told anyone else but me" I said. "oh  what are u planning to do?" Nessa asked. "I don't know.... I'm sure I still have feelings for Aaron but I feel so bad for Ethan." I said. "I honestly don't know what to say because this is a pretty tough situation but all I'm gonna tell u is that....ur first priority should be u Roni. Who are u happy with? Who is the guy of ur dreams? Who's the guy u see the future with? Whatever u decide its ur decision, don't make this decision out of pity. But make this decision for yourself and your happiness. Pick wisely Roni because once u let go of one of them u can never have them back" Nessa said. "Ur right but I just don't know" I said. "Alright I'll help u. How does Ethan make u feel?" Nessa asked. "I feel protected..." I said. "How does Aaron make u feel?" Nessa asked. "He makes me....feel feelings for Aaron are unlike any other. But no one has ever trusted me as much as Ethan did" I said. "Both guys are great but u have to pick one. If they both truly love u, whoever u pick they will respect it. Okay? Just because you feel bad for Ethan doesn't mean u should choose him." Nessa said. "Yeah I know but Ethan made me happy" I said. "And so did Aaron" Nessa said. "Yeah..." I said. "Roni I know deep in ur heart u know the answer, u just don't know if it's the right one and scared to admit it" Nessa said. "I don't know" I said. "Yes u do. Listen to ur heart Roni, listen to ur mind and heart (GMW REFERENCE BITCHES). Pick the guy who makes u the happiest girl alive. " Nessa said as I take a huge gulp on thinking about this. "Don't listen to others, don't care about what they say. Don't think about others but think about yourself. Do what u want to do. Love who u want to love. No one else can make that decision but YOU" Nessa said. "I still have to think about it.." I said. "Yeah think clearly okay?" Nessa asked. "Okay. Gosh this trip is so stressful" I said. "Why?" Nessa asked. "I never thought I would see him again Nessa but I did. And I'm falling for him like I did 3 years ago. I have a boyfriend, an amazing one but it just doesn't feel the same way as before. I never had hope for Aaron and I. Hope is for suckers. " I said.

"Does that mean u made a decision already?" Nessa asked. "Uh no no not yet" I said. "Wait Roni...right now who do u like better...??" Nessa asked. "I- I don't know" I said. "Roni u can tell me" Nessa said. "Yesterday....I never wanted to let go from Aaron and I's hug....I felt safe and protected and love. And when he told me he still love me, I can tell he meant it....I wanted to say I love him back but I couldn't cuz I didn't know I feel." I said. "So u love Aaron more atm" Nessa said. "I don't know" I said.  "Want a hug?" Nessa asked. "Could rlly use some right now" I said as Nessa hugs me. "I just want u to know that whoever u pick, I support u. Okay?" Nessa asked. "Okay. Thank you Nessa this is rlly nice" I said. "Ur welcome." Nessa said still hugging me.

After that Nessa and I decided to just walk around and hang out until we saw AARON. Great. Just great.

"Hey Nessa" Aaron said. "Hi" nessa said. "Hey you" Aaron said. "Hey..." I said smiling at him as he smiles back.

Gosh he looks so cute with that smile on his face.

"Uh im gonna leave u two alone" nessa said. "Ill see you later?" Nessa asked. "Yeah" i said. "Okay" Nessa said then walked away leaving Aaron and I. We hung out the whole time just talking but I still felt bad for Ethan

If you don't feel bad for Ethan u are mean af. Tbh it's kinda a hard decision to make. I mean Ethan made Roni happy when she was broken, he fixed her, meanwhile Aaron left for her safety. It also makes me feel bad for Ethan cuz he only has Grayson and Roni left :( aw my poor baby. It's okay E you got me. Anyways back to the point, imagine that Ethan has been hurt a lot, Roni doesn't want to hurt him, she doesn't ever want to see him get hurt.

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