Chapter 56: The Night Before

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6 months later. The day before Marco and Nessa gets married
Nessa's POV.

I was laying in bed thinking about everything that happened these few months. Marco and I are getting stronger and stronger as a couple every day. We're getting married tomorrow!!! I'm so so pumped for this! I've been waiting for this day to happen my ENTIRE LIFE!! Right now, I was talking to Roni about the wedding while Marco was showering.

"Babe!!" I heard Marco yell. "Yeah?" I asked. "Pass me the towel pls" Marco said as I get the towel and pass it to him. "Thanks" Marco said as I smile then go back to talking to Roni. "So..your wedding's tomorrow! How do u feel Nessa?" Roni asked. "I feel excited. At the same time nervous." I said. "Why are u nervous?" Roni asked. "This is gonna be like the most important day in my life Roni.....what if something goes wrong" I said. "Nothing won't go wrong. I promise. Everything's planned right?" Roni asked. "Right" I said. "So there's nothing to worry about" Roni said. "Yeah you're right" I said. "I CANT BELIEVE MY SISTER IS GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW AHHH!!!" Roni said hugging me as I hug her back. "ME TOO!!!" I said then we pulled away. "So are u ready to spend your whole life with Marco?" Roni asked. "Yup. I really think he's the one" I said. "Well I think he is too. No one's treated u as good as Marco did, you're really happy when you're with him, he literally makes u the happiest girl on earth" Roni said. "Yeah...after all I went through...he's still with my side..." I said. "Nessa are u over it?" Roni asked. "Over what?" I asked. "U know what" Roni said. "Roni.....I can never forget that happen to's not that easy to get over with....but...I'm ready. I'm ready to get married. Marco won't ever do that to me, I know him" I said. "Good" Roni said. " bout you and Aaron how's it been going?" I asked. "Oh it's been great!!! He's amazing and we've been going really strong" Roni said. "That's great!!!" I said. "Yeah!!" Roni said. " u guys...plan to get married anytime soon?" I asked. "I'm not really ready for that yet" Roni said. "Why not?" I asked. "Because...marriage is like such an easy word but actually you have to think it through.....marriage is such a huge step into a relationship and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet. Don't get me wrong I love Aaron with my entire heart I'm just not ready yet" Roni said. "Okay" I said as Marco comes out of the shower

"Hey what are u two talking about?" Marco asked. "Nothing. None of your business. It's girl talk" I said. "Sassy. I like it" Marco said coming near me and kisses my shoulder. "Okay ew. Ew. Pls don't show PDA in front of me. Kissing is fine just not that..." Roni said as Marco and I laugh. "So I'm gonna leave u two alone. Enjoy your last night as boyfriend and girlfriend" Roni said then left. "So..." I said. "So.... we're getting married tomorrow" Marco said. "The day has finally come..." I said. "We've waited for so long...and here we are" Marco said. "I know. This is so surreal to me" I said. "Same here I never thought I would ever get married but hey! Here I am!" Marco said as I laugh. "This is our last day as boyfriend and girlfriend. Tomorrow we'll be husband and wife" I said. "That's right. I can't wait to call u Mrs Esparza"  Marco said as I giggle. "Tomorrow's gonna be the best day of our lives" I said. "Yeah. I promise it will be" Marco said and kisses my lips. "I love you" I said in between kisses. "I love you too" Marco said in between kisses also as I giggle. "GOD YOU'RE ADORABLE. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I DID TO DESERVE YOU" Marco said tackling me to bed as I laugh.

Aaron's POV

I got my bag and saw that there was a message laying above my clothes. I opened the letter and it sai

"better watch out, I'm watching every step you take"

I'm getting these threats...from people...saying they know I'm here and they're planning to kill me for awhile now....I didn't tell Roni yet cuz this would put her in great danger. I would receive a message every single day, sometimes at work, sometimes in my email, sometimes it's in my bag, I don't know what is happening. I'm trying to figure it out. No one knows about this not even Alex. I'm trying to keep this all a secret to myself.

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