Chapter 35: In My Blood

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Song: In My Blood by Shawn Mendes
That same night
Aaron's POV.

I wanted to move on from Roni, my feelings get stronger every time I'm with her. I have to move on. Right now I'm in a club just to party meet some girls and try to forget about Roni. I was talking to this girl named Chelsey but i wasnt really listening.

"And then my dad told me that we lost him"  Chelsey said but I didnt know she was talking cuz i wasnt listening. "Um Crawford???" Chelsea asked but i still ignored her. "Hellooooooo. Earth to Crawford Chaceeee" Chelsea said snapping me at my thoughts. "Huh what?" I asked. "were u even listening?" Chelsea asked. "Yeah" i said. "Then what did i just say?" Chelsea asked. "Uh...." I said as she raised her eyebrow. I take a deep breath and say "im sorry okay. I wasnt listening i just have..stuff on my mind" I said. "Like what?" Chelsea asked. "Nothing im just trying to get over someone..." i said. "An ex?" Chelsea asked. "Yeah" i said. "What happened?" Chelsea asked. "3 years ago....i kissed her we were gonna be official but something came up and i had to leave her. We never saw each other again until last last  week. We saw each other here in Hawaii. Shes with somebody else now and that somebody is my ex best friend. Its fine cuz shes happier with him" i said then took a shot. "Damn thats too are u still in love w her?" Chelsea asked. "Yeah..." i said. "Ouch....well u know how u can feel better?" Chelsea asked. "How?" I asked as she smirked. I knew what she  was talking about. "Oh no no no-"before i could finish she grabbed my face and kissed me.

It was a total shock at first but i kissed back until...all the memories of Roni rushed back to me. Its like i was cheating on her even if we arent even together. I pulled away quickly.

"No no no i cant do this im sorry. I cant im sorry" I said taking off, going back to the beach. I sat on the sand thinking of all the memories Roni and i had together. I remember when we used to hate each other, we teased each other a lot. The elevator was where it all started....when i said those mean things to her i didnt mean any of it. I felt so so so bad after i said that, i kept telling myself i shouldnt feel bad cuz we were enemies but i just did...later on in the party Roni was drunk AF. She was about to pass out, so i decided to do something nice and put her on the couch. We still hated each other after that until Nessa Alex and Lauren set us up. Thats where we became friends. And as friends we slowly started to fall for each other. I completely trusted her. I completely loved her. Roni is....special. Ethan is lucky to have her. Even my brother, Alex, hates me. I dont have anyone.

I was still thinking about the memories until it was all too much to handle. I remember Roni in my arms crying, i remember us kissing. I remember us taking over the world for a day. IT WAS DRIVING ME INSANE. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD! GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! STOP STOP STOP PLS! STOP EVERYTHING!! GET OUT OF MY MIND!!!!" I yelled with my hands on my head. I started bursting out into tears. Truth is i never cry. I never. I only cry when my emotions hit me rlly hard.

Alex's POV

"Hey Laur im gonna go take a little walk. Wanna come?" I asked. "Nah ill pass. Ill stay here and call Roni and Nessa to hang out" Lauren said. "Okay" i said as i grab my phone and started walking outside. I loved walking at beach sides. I always do that. I find it super relaxing and i just love it. While walking i hesr someone yelling. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! STOP STOP STOP PLS! STOP EVERYTHING!! GET OUT OF MY MIND!!!!" Someone said. I looked at the person and saw that it was...Aaron.  He was crying....he was depressed. Even if i hate him ill still talk to him

I sat beside him in the sand. "Alex?" Aaron asked. "What happened to you? Why were you yelling? Why are u crying?" I asked. "Its nothing" Aaron said. "Even if I hate u, ur still my brother. We're family Aaron. Now tell me whats wrong?" I asked. "Everyone hates me. My family hates me, Roni hates me, Nessa hates me, The Dolans hate me, Lauren hates me, and even you hate me. I have no one bro. I dont know if Roni told u the reason why i left but i had to do it. It was one of the hardest things i had to ever do." Aaron said. "Did u regret it? Did u regret leaving?" I asked. "No. Cuz i left for your safety. For your guys' safety." Aaron said. "No Aaron!! You and I could've gone through that together!! If u needed money you could've told me! Our parents were worried sick Aaron!! Mom had suicidal thoughts, dad had depression and so did me and Roni!" I said. "All of us were broke Aaron! U were my best were my brother. Thats why i was so upset you left. You were the person i trust the most. The only person i had when u left was Lauren. Without Lauren I wouldn't be here rn" I said standing up and was about to leave but he stopped me. "I thought of sending you and Roni letters but i kept hesitating. Alex, you and Roni are the most important ppl in my world. I loved both of you so much and it was so hard to leave. You know what sucks even more? Is that when i saw you guys again, you were all happy. You were happy with Lauren, Nessa is happy with Marco, Grayson is happy with himself, and...Roni is happy with Ethan. What hurts the most is that the person you love doesnt love you anymore or loves someone else. I didnt mean to leave any of you Alex, hurting all of you was never my intention. Yes we could've gone through all of that together but we would never beat them. We would never beat Kimmy's family because they have guards and all other stuff. I had to leave because u and Roni deserve to have a long life. There was NO WAY i was gonna let u guys die at the age of 20+ . You guys deserved to be happy. Meanwhile...i deserved what i did. I cant take back what i did. I deserve all this pain, i deserve all the hate. Roni forgiving me was a complete shock to me cuz if i was her i wouldnt forgive myself either. Alex, you were my best friend, and leaving you was harder than u think. I know it was a complete shock to all of u but...i had to do it. In those 3 years of me leaving, i never went through a single day without thinking how you guys were. Were you happy? Sad? Mad? I dont know. Im sorry man, i really am, you dont know how sorry i am. If u dont forgive me then its fine i completely understand but i just want you to know that  whatever happens you're still my brother, anr you're still my best friend. I'm sorry man" Aaron said and started crying as i started tearing up too. "Wow you made me tear up" i said wiping my tears. "Im sorry man" Aaron said still crying. "I forgive you" i said. "Really?" Aaron asked. "Yeah man i forgive you" i said as he pulled me into a hug. I smiled and cried during the hug. I missed him. I missed my brother. "Wow u dont know how happy i am right now" Aaron said. "I missed" i said. "I missed you too" Aaron said as we pulled away and started talking. We started catching up with each other.

"Dude i have a question" i said. "What?" Aaron asked. "Do you still love Roni?" I asked as Aaron looked down and didnt say a word. "Its fine man, you can tell me i wont tell her i promise" I said. "Yeah...but shes with Ethan now" Aaron said. "I knew it" I said. "How'd you know?" Aaron asked. "I saw the way you looked at her at the party. I saw that u still had a spark in your eye. How are u not over her? Its been three years" i said. "Truth is...i dont think im ever gonna get over her" Aaron said. "Why not?" I asked. "I go to clubs a lot to meet other girls but i dont know i just keep thinking about her. She keeps going through my mind. Sometimes it drives me insane because as much as i want to be with her, i cant, cuz shes with someone else now. Someone who actually makes her happy" Aaron said. "Yeah and that someone  was your ex best friend. Hurts doesnt it?" I asked. "Hurts a lot" Aaron said. "I'm sorry man" I said. "For what?" Aaron asked. "For Roni...i mean you love her but she loves-" before i could finish he cut me off. "Ethan...yeah. Its fine. Shes happier with him more than she ever was with me" Aaron said as i didnt say anything. "Anyway uh can we change the topic pls?" Aaron asked. "Sure" i said as we changed the topic and kept talking

AWWWW POOR AARON. I feel bad for him. Anyway so what did u guys think of this chapter. I know it was just Aaron and Alex but well...whatever. Tell me what u think of this chapter in the comments below.

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