Chapter 44: Broken Promises

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Song: By Your Side by Jonas Blue

Roni's POV.

I wake up with the sound of screaming in the room. I looked and saw Marco chasing Nessa. "Jesus Christ! Someone is sleeping here!!!"I said but they ignore me. I rolled my eyes. "NESSA! MARCO!" I yelled as they stopped. "Huh?" They both asked at the same time. "I'm trying to sleep" I said. "K" Marco said as I roll my eyes. "rude" I said as they keep chasing each other. I see Marco catch Nessa and carries her. He drops her gently in bed and goes above her. He kisses her but before they go any further I stopped them. "SOMEONE ELSE IS IN THE ROOM" I said. "Oh" Nessa said. "Ok" Marco said and kept kissing Nessa. "Im jk I know" Marco said. "I love you" Nessa said. "I love u more" Marco said. "Not possible" Nessa said then kissed him again. "Y'all are cute. Y'all are lucky you have each other" I said. "Well ur lucky too. U got two guys fighting for u" Marco said. "How the hell-" I said but I realized that the only person that could've told him is...Nessa. "SRSLY?!" I asked. "It's just him don't worry Roni" Nessa said. "Okayyy fine whatever" I said. "Guys can we go to breakfast cuz I'm like rlly hungry" Marco said as we all agree.

Nessa, Marco and I were walking to breakfast till we saw Aaron. "Hey jerkface" I said as he just ignores me. Nessa and I looked at each other confused. "Well that was odd" Nessa said. "Yeah it was...he probably just didn't hear me" I said as we sat down on our dining table. I looked at Aaron but he didn't look back. He can't even make eye contact with me. What the hell is happening.

"Hey guys what's up?!" Gray asked joining in our table. I see Ethan staring at me. We had eye contact for a couple of seconds but then I broke it off. "Uh Roni can we talk?" Ethan asked. "Yeah sure" i said as we walk somewhere far from the others. "What now?" I asked but he grabbed my face and kissed me. "Tell me u don't feel anything" Ethan said. "I-" before I could finish he cut me off. "Roni tell me how u feel" Ethan said. "I don't know!!" I said. "What do u mean you don't know?!" Ethan asked. "Idk okay?!" I said. "Do u still love me?" Ethan asked. "Yes" I said. "I still love you. Why don't we just get back together" Ethan said holding my arms but I shrugged it off me. "It's not that easy E" I said. "Yes it is" Ethan said. "No it's not. E I still need time" I said. "Fine take all the time that u want but just remember that I'll always love you no matter what. Okay?" Ethan asked. "Okay" I said as we go back to the others and start eating with them.

After like 30 minutes we were finally finished. Aaron didn't say a single word to me or what so ever. I don't know what's going on. I rlly don't.  

"Hey guys I'm gonna go to my room" Aaron said still not looking at me. "Aaron wait" I said as I grab his arm. I see him look at my hand so I shrugged it off. "What" Aaron said. "Why are u ignoring me?" I asked. "I'm not" Aaron said taking his drink and  walked away. I got my bag then catched up on him.

"Hey what's wrong with u?" I asked."nothing why do u ask?" Aaron asked. "Don't play dumb with me you dumbfuck. Tell me what's going on" I said. "There's nothing going on" Aaron said. "Aaron is it because of what I said yesterday?" I asked. "What did u say yesterday?" Aaron asked trying to play dumb. "Aaron. You know what I mean" I said. "What no it's not because of that. I'm just not in the mood okay? I'm not ignoring you" Aaron said walking again but I stopped. Him. "I don't believe u"  I said. "I don't care" Aaron said. "Yup something is up. Tell me" I said. "No thank you" Aaron said walking again but I stopped him. "What do u want?!?" Aaron asked annoyed. "I WANNA KNOW WHY UR ACTING LIKE THIS!" I said. "Why?" Aaron asked. "Cuz I care for u" I said. "Yeah right" Aaron said. "I'm not kidding Aaron" I said. "Yes u are now leave me alone and go back to ur friends" Aaron said walking away.

Gosh what is up with him.

I go back to the squad seeing them stare at me. "What?" I asked. "What happened?" Lauren asked. "He said he wasn't in the mood" I said. "Out of any other excuses he said that" Alex said face palming.

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