I don't like feeling powerless, hell I'm taking defense classes with Ric to protect myself, and Damon encourages that. I hate being the damsel in distress, but last night I was and Damon was my knight in shining armor. And every fairy-tale needs a fairy-tale ending, last night I had mine in my dream about Damon.


The previous night's dream...

Damon was stood at the wet bar in the library of the Salvatore boarding house. He looked up at Elena as he poured some amber liquid into a glass, before putting the stopper back into the crystal decanter. He walked back around and sat down opposite to Elena and handed the glass to her.

"Hey, have some bourbon. It'll help you forget." Damon instructed, as Elena slowly took the glass from his hand and sipped it. The liquid tasted disgusting, burning her throat, causing her to automatically flinch. "Yeah, it's strong." Damon frowned, hesitating for a moment as Elena nervously tucked her hair behind her ear. "You know I can help you forget, too. At least the memories you don't want to keep." he offered.

"No." Elena shook her head. "No compulsion. I need to remember. All of it." she insisted.

Damon held out his hand, her necklace dangling from his fingers. "I stole it back for you." Damon said, his voice sounding hopeful that it would cheer her up. But instead, it had the opposite effect as the realization of the situation dawned upon her.

"He's really gone this time." Elena told him, tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to run down her cheeks. "I watched it happen. After everything that we went through to get...to help him. Now he's just...gone." Damon sighed sadly as he placed the necklace on the table beside them. "Where were you, Damon?" she asked as a single tear ran down her cheek. She wasn't sure if it was the thought of Stefan losing her humanity or Damon not being there for her, which hurt the most.

Damon put his hand on Elena's leg, she glanced down at the tender gesture, which gave her a sense of hope. When she looked back up at him, she saw he was looking at her apologetically. "I shouldn't have left." he said, his voice full of remorse. "I promise you...I will never leave you again." he told her with a newfound conviction, putting Elena's mind at rest as they looked at each other.

Elena smiled weakly. She was exhausted from the blood loss and scared Klaus or Stefan might come looking for her. For once Elena was going to swallow her pride and ask Damon for a favor she never imagined herself asking.

"Can I stay here with you tonight?" Elena asked nervously.

"Sure." Damon nodded. "You're welcome to stay whenever you want. Pick a room." he smiled.

Elena took a deep breath, she was expecting Damon to misunderstand her intentions. "I mean share with you, in your room." she decided to clarify her reasons. "I'm scared Damon. I don't want to be alone tonight. Nothing more."

Damon gave her an uncomfortable look before nodding his head. "Sure you can." he smiled. "If Stefan turns up to snatch you, I'll snap his neck."

"Thank you Damon." Elena smiled back.

"Bath or shower?" Damon asked.

"I'll be fine with a shower, and I don't have to use yours." Elena told him.

"Nonsense!" Damon replied. "I insist." he said, managing to put on a smile for her.

Half an hour later, Elena climbed into Damon's huge bed, wearing one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxer briefs over her panties. His scent filling her senses, creating a feeling of warmth and security which enveloped her through smell alone. As Elena lay down, Damon emerged from the doorway, his hair slightly damp, suggesting he'd just showered elsewhere, wearing black slacks and a gray t-shirt. He cast her a small smile as he threw a white towel into the laundry bin.

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