Authors Note

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Hi everyone and thanks so much for picking my book up! Oh wait... it's an e-book. 😬

Anyways... first off, there is no need to point out the fact that my cover is from the Netflix Original series 'Anne'. I was fully aware and picked it for reasons that will become apparent as you read on. Also, this is not an 'Anne of Green Gables' fanfic and was not even written with that in mind, I just realized the similarities a little while after writing.

Secondly, I love advice so please be really active commenters, it gives me joy to see the notifications of your messages when you upload nice comments.

Thirdly (not to sound formal or anything but), there will be updates every Saturday and I hope to stick to that faithfully as I have with my other book, which this is in fact, a sequel to - 'Bitch Meets Boy'. Don't worry, you don't need to have read that book in order to begin this, they are about two different characters who are sisters and this book is set after BMB.

So without delay, I will usher you kindly into moments of delight, laughter, shed tears and heartbreak. Take a seat, ladies and gentlemen, the show is about to begin!


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