I looked at Jimin once again and saw what I've been seeing for the past 4 days, him completely still, smooth breathing and a lifeless looking expression. I bit into my own wrist and let blood pour out before placing it over Jimin's lips. I let as much blood as I could out, hoping that it would work. Hoping it would do anything.

*6 hours later*

I woke up from feeling movement next to me. My eyes darted open and I saw Jimin was still asleep but he had changed his position on his own. I felt tears well up in my eyes from happiness of seeing some form of life from him, that I hadn't killed him. I kissed his lips gently I could swear I saw a smile form on them but I didn't want to get my hopes too high. I nestled back down into the covers, pulling Jimin's head into my neck. I felt sleep take over me once again, but this time I didn't feel like I had a heavy weight on my chest.

*6 hours later*

"Jungkook..." I heard a mumble. I looked down and saw Jimin waking up, his eyelashes fluttering against my bare chest

"Jimin baby, oh my god. I've missed you, how do you feel?"

"I don't know... my throat hurts, can I get some water please?"

"Of course, stay here" I ran out of the room and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Tae and Hoseok were there but they probably heard Jimin wake up and knew now wasn't the time to speak to me. When I got back to Jimin he was sat up and looking at his phone

"How long was I asleep for?"

"Just over 4 days... I was so worried I had done something wrong and killed you. I had to ring my mum for advice" I smiled at him as I watched him gulp down the water "is that good?" I chuckled and saw him nod slightly and let out a little moan whilst still drinking

"I'm sorry for making you worried... so am I a vampire now?" He asked with a curious face, I smiled and nodded to him and saw a smile grow on his face "Do I smell different? You smell stronger, I could smell you even when you went downstairs"

"You smell exactly the same and I couldn't be more grateful for it. And I'm glad that I smell stronger, it just gives more reassurance that you are my true smell" I smiled and kissed him gently

"Is Hoseok awake?" He asked with a shocked face. I nodded and he jumped out of bed to go find him. I quickly grabbed him and pulled him back to me causing him to pout

"Not so fast baby"

"Why? I want to go and see him"

"I know you do, and you can. You just need to get your true hunger under control, you might be tempted to drink from Tae or Hoseok if you don't..."

"Oh... I didn't even think of that to be honest. Okay, when do we do that?"

"Now... if you want to... I'll teach you how to find the place that smells best for you on me"

"Okay" he smiled at me and kissed me gently before waiting for my first instruction. I pulled my top off and saw his eyes scan over me, taking in every detail

"Just smell over me, when you find that spot that makes your mouth water a little bit more than the rest... let me know" I explained and saw him nod before crawling to me. He started in my neck, taking a long sniff and moaning once he realised how amazing blood can smell. He then moved down my chest and stomach, moaning again, and gripping a little tighter when certain spots would smell stronger than others.

He then worked his way down my arms and gripped a lot tighter when he got to my wrists. He sniffed again and I felt his grip got even tighter


"Have you found it?" I asked whilst stroking through his hair to comfort him. He nodded and I could see how weak he suddenly was... probably realising how hungry he is as well "it's okay baby, take a deep breath and look at me. I had a feeling you would like my wrists though since you always liked the smell of my hands" he followed my orders and looked at me with desperate eyes "Do you remember how I used to do it?" He nodded and got a tight grip of my wrist, acting as if he was afraid it would disappear

"Yeah, you would lick my skin and it would go numb. Then after a few seconds your eyes would go blue and fangs would come out and you would bite me"

"Exactly, although your eyes are already a dark grey and your fangs are half way out" I chuckled and he had a shocked face and ran to the mirror, pulling me with him as he didn't let go of my wrist. He looked at himself and I couldn't quite read the expression on his face. He looked shocked, yet happy and peaceful. In my eyes he just looks beautiful, always has and always will.

"Wow... how come my eyes are blue already?"

"Because you're starving. You smelt a bit of blood and it triggered them. Do you remember that time when you first let me drink from you, when I hadn't drank for almost two weeks? The same thing happened to me, I just smelt your neck as we cuddled and it triggered my eyes and fangs to come out, my eyes were dark grey as well because I was starving"

"Yeah, I remember that... so what do I do now then?"

"Lick my wrist so it goes numb, Wait a few seconds and then drink baby. Please don't take too much and kill me though" I winked at him and saw him smile and blush a little

"I won't... are you going to taste as awful as you did when you changed me?"

"I hope not" I joked with him but I saw him look worried about it so I kissed his neck and held my wrist out for him whilst back hugging him "it's very unlikely that I will taste bad to you baby, let's try it... come on" I requested and I saw him nod and take hold of my wrist. His back pressed against my chest a little more as he brought my wrist up to his lips, his tongue brushed over the skin a few times. He gave me one last look before sinking his teeth into me, a look of desperation and hunger covered his face. I nodded at him and kissed his neck again to reassure him that it was okay. I soon felt his teeth puncture the skin and he started sucking the blood out faster. He moaned at the taste, signalling that it tasted good for him. I smiled and brushed his hair out of his face, enjoying that I was able to be his life source, to be able to give him that one thing he needs to survive.

After a couple of minutes he pulled away, out of breath and smiling. I picked him up and carried him back to bed, realising how weak he felt from sudden relief of starvation.

"You taste so good. So so good"

"Take more if you want baby, I don't feel weak or anything"

"Are you sure?" He asked with pleading eyes and I smiled and nodded to him, watching how he brings my wrist to his mouth once again.

This time he seemed to have more control over it, he seemed to be able to be satisfied with the blood that poured out, rather than sucked out. His tongue would occasionally brush over my skin, collecting any blood he missed and ensuring that I was numb.

I smiled as I watched him, brushing through his hair and over his cheeks. He opened his eyes and looked into mine as he was still drinking. I smiled at him and it must have reassured him a little as he moaned once again and lapped up the blood that poured out when he wasn't concentrating. After a few minutes more he released his teeth and straddled my thighs. He captured my lips between his, massaging them together perfectly.

"I missed you so much baby, so so so much. Even though you were right next to me the whole time, I couldn't speak to you or hear your voice, I couldn't kiss you and make you feel my love for you. All I could do was cuddle you and pray that you would wake up"

"Well I'm awake now and we have all the time in the world to be together. I am yours and you are mine"

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