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- Sehun's P.O.V. -
It's been such a long time since I've seen Joo Young. Even though there was something between us, we are still friends! She went to New York to study and we talked about her life in New York. We were childhood friends and our parents know each other, so it was nice to see her again.

On the ride back to our houses, Sze Yean was very quiet. That's strange, she left home with a smile and back with a frown. In the car, all my hyungs were either sleeping or just using their phones. She was sitting beside me, looking out the window. I decided to start a conversation.

' Hey. ' I said, nudging her arm with my elbow.

' What ? ' She said coldly. It didn't really sounds a like question, just a plain flat what.

' What's wrong? ' I asked with raised eyebrows.

' Nothing. Nothing's wrong. ' She said.

I gave up and looked out the other window. It seems like she's was in a bad mood and didn't want to start a conversation. I kept on thinking.

Why is she like like this? What did I do? Was it my fault? I asked myself in my mind.

Finally, we reached her apartment. I opened the door for her. She didn't even say thanks.

' I'll walk you back home. ' I said when she was about to get out of the car.

' No, it's okay. ' She said.

' I'm walking you home. ' I said again, staring at her sternly.

' No ! Why are you so annoying? ' She shouted. I turned my head and sighed in relief when my hyungs were not woken up.

' Look at yourself. You're wearing a strapless black dress. You will get frozen! '

' And why would you care? ' She cut me off. I was speechless for a while.

Why would she think like that? Of course I care! I...I don't know why, I just care for her.

She just walked out of the car. After a few steps, she started shivering. She wrapped herself with her arms and kept going. I couldn't take this anymore. I ran up to her and wrapped my coat around her. She struggled but I didn't let go. I was backhugging her to give her warmth.

' Let go! Don't touch me! ' She shouted. I signaled the driver to go back first and dragged Sze Yean to her apartment.

' Shh...You're going to get a frostbite. Let's go. ' I whispered.

She was sitting on a couch in the living room with my coat wrapped around her tightly while I was in the kitchen making hot chocolate for both of us. I looked at her from the kitchen, she was staring at the ground blankly. What was making her think like that ? Why is she so depressed ? What thoughts were raising through her mind now ? I sighed and poured the hot chocolate into 2 mugs. I sprinkled some cinnamon on top and left the kitchen.

' Here, drink up and be warm. i'I said while handing her the mug.

She took it and took a sip. Her face lit up just that tiny bit. She was pleased with the hot chocolate, it was apparent from that momentary smile on her face. I sat down beside her and stared at her side profile.

' Are you okay? ' I asked. She nodded.

' Warmer now? ' I asked again. She didn't answer and only nodded once more. I nodded too in response and smiled.

' Did you enjoy the party? ' I asked. She didn't answer so I looked at her once more. I was shocked.

Her face was back to before I gave her the hot chocolate. Her bottom lip was trembling and her eyes became teary. She was trying hard to flight back the tears, but tears were still shed and wetted her cheeks. I put my hot chocolate on the coffee table immediately and rubbed away the tears on her cheeks with my thumb. But, she grabbed my wrist and stood up. She placed her hot chocolate on the coffee table too and threw my coat at me. More tears rolled down her cheeks.

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