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After 3 days, I was sitting in my living room reading a magazine. Today is a Sunday, so that means I have no school. Suddenly, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID - Sehun. Sehun called me. Sehun the non-jerk.

' Hello ? '
' Uh...I know you're currently not my slave, so this is not an order. Think of it as helping me. '
' Okay. What's your request? '
There was no answer. But I knew he was there because I heard his breathing. After about a minute of silence, he finally opened his mouth.
' Be my date. '
My eyes widened. I held onto my phone tighter. I became silent.
' Hello? 'He said.
' Wait, wait, wait, what?! '
' There's this party for our company and all the stars are invited. So, I'm invited. '
' Oh...kay. '
' And would you like to be my date? '
' Are the other members bringing dates too? '
' Um...No. '
' Oh. '
' No, it's not what you're thinking. Just be my date, okay? '
' But I have work. '
' No, you don't. I called your boss and he said he'll let you rest for the whole week. I'm an idol. I get V.I.P. treatment, my wishes get granted. '
Oh wow. I get a week off! Yes! I stood up and put my magazine on my black coffee table. I was smiling like a lottery winner.
' So I'll only one job this week? I get to rest? '
' Yeah. ' I jumped around and started laughing.
' Oh my god! Sehun! You are the best! THE BEST! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! ' I shouted. It took a second until my mind was able to fully process what I just said. Sehun didn't say anything and I stopped jumping. After a minute of silence, he cleared his throat. Before he could say anything, I cut in.
' Umm... It's not what you're thinking. ' I said. He chuckled.
' So you'll go? '
' Yeah, I'll go. '
'That's cool. Thanks. Oh, and wear a dress or something. Put on some makeup. I don't want my date to be ugly.'
' Okay. Wait, what ? Are you saying that I'm ugly? '
' No I'm not. ' He answered. Then he hung up immediately.

Fine! You know what? I WILL dress up. I will show you my pretty side, Oh Sehun. I'm going to learn how to use makeup just to prove that I'm pretty. Never ever call a girl ugly, even if you're just joking.

After a while, he sent me a text message.

From : Sehun
' This Saturday night. 7 pm. I'm coming with my hyungs to pick you up. '

Alright. I have 5 days to go shopping and learn how to use makeup. Sora will help me.

-Sehun's P.O.V.-
It's the night. I pushed my hair back today and wore a suit. I checked my reflection in the mirror just right before I left and went to pick her up with my hyungs.

My jaw dropped when I saw her. She really did put on makeup. She looked different from other times. She looked...stunning. She only wore a strapless black dress with glitter heels. She looked beautiful, but, won't she be cold ?

' Yah. Fool. It's the end of fall. Winter is coming. ' I said.
' Uh-huh. Why? ' She looked at me with her What's-wrong-about-me face.
' Look at what you're wearing! You will get frozen! ' I shouted.

I took of my coat and handed it to her. '  Here. Take my coat. ' I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.

' Yah, are you two really dating? ' Kai asked.

Oh right, my hyungs are here. I forgot.


My eyes widened. She blushed, I think. Time just froze. I was staring at her while handing my coat, observing every little detail of her face, dress, hair. Time just paused like that until she took my coat and wrapped it around herself.

' Thanks, Sehun. ' She murmured.

- Sze Yean's P.O.V .-
Oh my god. The car ride was AKWARD! Super akward! His hyungs kept questioning about us!

' Yah, you two ! Are you really dating? ' D.O asked.
' Waaa~ Since how long ago ? Two weeks? ' Suho smirked.
' You two seemed to be closer since Sehun went to your house at night. ' Chanyeol said to me. Then, he turned his head to face the others.

' Wait, Sehun went to her house. At. Night. Midnight. ' He started laughing.
Baekhyun was the worst.

' OMG what did you guys do? You guys just become adults. ' He also started laughing.

' Hyung! They're are not minors anymore! I just remembered that! Omo what did you guys do? '
Kai looked at us with raised eyebrows.

' You two are sneaky. ' He commented.

Sehun's hyungs are so childish! Seriously? His hyungs got excited by their own rumors they created. They howled whenever they said something.

Throughout the whole car ride, Sehun and I just kept quiet. Even though his hyungs were talking about nonsense, we just kept quiet. Actually, why didn't we protest ?

》Fast Forward 》
The party was awesome! People were everywhere! Even though it was a little too crowded, I liked the feeling. There was food. Tons of food. Buffet style! I feel guilty that I actually had the thought of taking the leftovers home. But, those could last me a whole month!

I met a lot of idols, some trainees and I also met EXO-M. They just reached Korea today after promoting in China. It seems like they are going to stay here for 2 months.

Oh, guess what ? The rumors spread. The rumors of me and Sehun created by the other EXO-K members. But it only spread among EXO though. Which was good. And bad at the same time. The EXO members were cheering, howling and laughing like crazy. Sehun's best friend, Luhan, even patted his back and said, ' Sehun-ah I'm so happy for you! '

Well, other than that, I enjoyed the party. It went on smoothly until we met a girl. A girl named Joo Young. Sehun and I were chatting when his eyes locked on her. When he saw her, he just headed her way, leaving me behind. She was wearing a long green gown with diamonds. Her hair was tied up into a messy bun which looked glamorous on her.

' That girl is Joo Young. Sehun's ex-girlfriend. ' Luhan whispered to me.

Oh no. Nope. No way. I hate this. The appearance of an ex. It ruined the rest of the party.

Sehun kept on talking to her. They laughed and even danced! Hello? I'm his date! What is he doing when his date is standing alone in a corner? I couldn't believe this. I felt mad, upset and unbelievable at the same time. My feelings were messed up. Everything I did was in vain. My effort to dress up, to do my hair, everything! I just Sehun to notice me. I wanted him to know that I had a pretty side. But he didn't even look at me after his ex showed up.

I walked to the balcony for some fresh air. I leaned against the wall and stared at the stars. I had no right to hate Joo Young. She was tall, pretty and polite. I shouldn't hate her. But, I just felt so upset for no reason.


No way.

I am not the type of girl to be jealous.

I don't even have a reason to be...



Do I even like Sehun ?
Do I have feelings for that jerk ?
Am I really... Jealous ?

I sighed and closed my eyes to recall back what happened between us.

I felt butterflies in my stomach when he handed me his coat...

My heart skipped a beat when he sat down beside me and taught me geometry...

I melted down when he held me in his arms in the shop...

NO! NO! NO! Why am I thinking like this?


Seeing him with Joo Young...

I felt upset.


I am jealous.

Unexpected Love // Oh Sehun [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now