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IT was a nice sight for Margo to see Jacob parked outside her house the next morning. She smiled wide at the shiny, red Rabbit, glistening in the morning sun. Margo's teeth tore into a piece of toast as she stared out the window, her lips pulling into a grin. She turned from the window, meeting her aunt's knowing eyes when she looked up from her newspaper. Jenny lifted her brow before moving over to the window, glancing outside to spot Jacob leaning against the Rabbit. She viewed back to her niece with a wide smirk.

"Wipe that off your face," Margo said with a shake of her head. She folded her toast together and began to munch on it. "I'll give you a fun fact to distract you. Did you know –"

Jenny chuckled, choosing to interrupt the fact with her own question. "When did little Jacob Black get so ripped? He suddenly looks ten years older!"

Margo rolled her eyes and ignored the question. Jenny knew why, especially with her new information from Billy. Margo guessed it just never clicked until now for her how much the first phasing changed Jacob's body structure. It was shock to Margo too. She remembered the day he came to her birthday party, sporting a brand new height. That time felt so long ago, and Jacob seemed to be growing every day.

"He hasn't been around for a bit," Jenny observed, sneaking another glance out the window. "I'm guessing he freaked out about your college plans. He's definitely gonna miss you, Mar."

More than you know, Margo thought to herself.

"Yeah," she replied after a pause. "We're okay now. Nothing to worry about."

Jenny nodded slowly, reminding herself that everything happened for a reason. Nothing could get in the way of Margo's dreams, and her dreams involved getting an education at her dream school. She just hoped Jacob now understood the same.

"I gotta go," Margo muttered, stuffing the rest of her toast in her mouth. She placed the dish in the sink before waving goodbye to Jenny. "Bye now!"

"See you later," Jenny waved back. "Oh, hey! Tell Jacob to stop howling outside the window at night!"

Margo rolled her eyes and chuckled as she closed the front door behind her. When the door closed, she watched Jacob's head snap to her, and a warm smile engulfed his features. With the sunlight shining down on him, he looked like a painting from the Renaissance era. Her very own Michelangelo piece.

Jacob strode forward with his arms out. They tugged herself forward, like a gravitational pull, as he hugged her tightly. "Hey, Mar," he breathed into her hair.

Margo had never felt more at peace in that moment, just knowing that everything was okay. She didn't know if they were going to talk about it, but she was happy that he was content now. He had never hugged her so tightly in that moment. Margo buried her head in his chest, closing her eyes and inhaling his musky scent. "Hey, Jake," she finally said.

CURIOUS ━ Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now