24 ❁ A Declaration Of Love☑️

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CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR❁ a declaration of love ❁

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❁ a declaration of love ❁

"Because people are stupid and just want to be loved. It's the only reason anybody does anything." - Miranda Bailey

❁❁ ❁❁ ❁❁ ❁❁ ❁❁

DAHLIA MADE IT BACK TO CAMP, breathing heavily as it was quite the journey. She tried to find Clarke to meet up with but she figured leaving her and Finn alone was the better choice. Dahlia sighs as she slows down, walking past people as they sit around, waiting to hear news about Mount Weather. Dahlia just wanted to know if Bellamy and Octavia were okay. They had left quite a while ago and still weren't back. Her eyes then land on the familiar blonde, letting a breath she didn't know she was keeping in out.

"Clarke!" The girl yells towards the blonde who turns around at the voice. Clarke almost looks relieved as she jogs over to the strawberry blonde. They embrace in a quick hug before pulling away.

"Where'd you run off to?" Clarke questions as she checks over the girl for any injuries, what most people are doing to her nowadays. Dahlia was about to answer when her eyes catch sight of someone she never through she would see again. Someone she thought was dead. Well, that everyone thought was dead.

"Is that .." Dahlia trails off as her eyes stay glued to the man in front of her. The one and only Thelonious Jaha. Clarkes eyes wander to where the girl was looking but nods her head once she sees.

"Yeah, he's alive. Apparently he was held by the commander." Clarke explains causing shock to build up on Dahlia's face that soon changes to curiousity.

"Did he see my dad?" Dahlia asks as she knew her dad would be back by now if something didn't happen to him. Clarke gives a small frown as she shakes her head.

"I don't know." She replies as her eyes move back to Dahlia who clicks her tongue before looking around once more.

"Where's Bellamy?" Dahlia questions, just wanting to be in his arms after the long day. She also didn't want to run into Finn anymore because she couldn't be around him.

"He isn't back yet." Clarke sighs, knowing Dahlia was worried about the boy and frankly she was too. She knew she shouldn't have let them go alone but Octavia wasn't budging and obviously Bellamy wanted to go with her to keep her safe. Dahlia only lets out a huff before nodding her head.

"I'm gonna go talk to Raven." She says before beginning to walk away from the blondes who turns her head to watch the retreating girl.

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