08 ❁ Unity Day☑️

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CHAPTER EIGHT ❁ unity day ❁

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❁ unity day ❁

"Well you know what they say about hope. It breeds eternal misery." - Spencer Hastings

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DAHLIA RUNS AWAY, from the guards as they chase her down the halls of the ark after an announcement was made to capture her. Her father had figured out it was her who killed Liam and had ordered for her arrest. She pushes past people as she runs to get somewhere safe. Her heart is pumping in her chest, adrenaline rushing through her veins. The guards shout at her as she quickens her speed but runs into something hard, cutting the chase short. She struggles against the arms around her as she lets out groans. Dahlia looks up, trying to get a glimpse of the person holding her but her breath hitches in her throat when she sees who it is. Marcus Kane. Tears brim in her eyes as she looks at him. He stares back at her coldly with no emotion in his face. "You can't do this." Dahlia tells him, practically begging him to let her go. The guards had caught up by now and were standing back for approval. "It was an accident! It was self defence." She tries her best to explain but Marcus' eyes just move to the guards, giving a firm nod. Next thing she knows, hands are grabbing her arms and yanking her back into their hold. Tears stream down her face as she starts screaming and kicking as they drag her down the halls of the ark. "No!" She yells as she fights her hardest against the two strong guards, Marcus watching her the whole time. "What do you think you're doing?!" She screams out, loud enough to make him flinch as she yells at the top of her lungs. "Daddy!" Dahlia shouts at Marcus who simply trails his eyes to the floor. Ashamed of his own daughter. "Dad! Please no!" She begs and Dahlia can faintly hear her name being called. Her body becoming overwhelmed with emotion and betrayal, her throat lets out an ear piercing scream.

Dahlia shoots up in Bellamy's bed, breathing heavily as dry tear stains are evidently shown on her cheeks. She looks around, expecting to see her father who practically abandoned her but is met with the face of Bellamy Blake, concern and worry laced in his eyes. He has both hands on her arms like he was shaking her moments before. She swallows hard as she tries to pull herself back together from the memory. "Are you okay? You were screaming." Bellamy asks as he sits next to her on the bed, looking at her face but she only brings her hands up to her face to wipe her tears. "You were saying things like 'you can't do this' and 'what do you think you're doing'" He states and he seems hesitant before continuing, not wanting to bring up unwanted memories for her. "Was it a nightmare about Liam?" Bellamy questions, rubbing her arm gently to let her know that he was here for her. Dahlia just turns her head towards him to meet his eyes before shaking her head ever so slightly.

"Uh— n-no. It was about my dad." Dahlia stutters as she rests her head on his shoulder, wanting the warmth that he brung to her. He lets out a relieved sigh that she wasn't relieving a horrid memory but little did Bellamy know, she was going through an even worse one. Betrayal. She feels warm lips against her head before an arm is wrapped around her. Dahlia gulps as she closes her eyes, cuddling into him further before lifting her head to look at his face. "Help me forget." She asks him causing Bellamy's eyebrows to furrow as he looks down at her, having no clue what she was asking him to do.

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