15 ❁ Her Very Own Savior☑️

Start from the beginning

"Who are you?" Dahlia asks the girl who only stares at her again. Dahlia let's out a sigh as her jaw clenches. The least the mystery girl could do was give her name. "Where the hell am I?" She questions but yet again the girl just stands there, no response leaving her lips. Dahlia was getting agitated as she wanted to leave so she could find her friends but she couldn't do that if she didn't know where she was.

"You are in our village." A woman's voice answers as she walks into the hut causing Dahlia to get even more defensive. The older woman glances to the young girl before giving an apologetic smile to Dahlia. "Oh, she doesn't speak your language so she only knows a couple words." The woman explains to the confused Dahlia. Her eyebrows then raise a little, understanding now why the young girl wasn't answering her questions.

"Who are you?" Dahlia asks the woman in a cautious tone making the older woman send a warm smile her way.

"My name is Gina and this is my daughter Clara." She introduces the both of them making Dahlia only nod her head. Dahlia was still confused to say the least because her daughter didn't understand a word she said but her mother did. 

"Why do you speak my language but she doesn't?" Dahlia asks Gina who simply sighs a little as she takes more steps into the hut, but not too many that it spooks the poor girl.

"Some of us learn it, others do not." Gina answers simply as she looks to the strawberry blonde who is curiously glancing around the small little room.

"Why am I here?" Dahlia questions, wanting to know why they didn't just kill her when they found her. That other grounder was going to but she didn't know if he was disobeying Anya's orders or completing them.

"My daughter here and her brother Kol saved your life. You were badly injured so they brought you here so we could fix you up." She replies as she gestures to her daughter who sends a small smile even though she didn't understand a word that they were saying other than Kol's name.

"They saved me.." Dahlia trails off confused as her eyebrows furrow slightly. She shakes her head as she looks up at Gina. "Why?" She asks and Gina only sighs as she pulls a stool up to beside the bed that Dahlia was on.

"We're not like the others." Gina states and immediately Dahlia raises her eyebrows in shock. She didn't know there were actually nice grounders who didn't want to kill them, well except for Lincoln. "In fact, we are against the other tribes actions towards you, the sky people." She finishes with a small sigh as Dahlia only tilts her head at the words, sky people. Is that what the Grounders called them? Well, it would be fitting since they did fall from the sky.

"So... You don't follow the commander?" Dahlia asks, wanting to know if Gina or her daughter knew that she apparently looked like the commanders sister which she still couldn't understand how that would be possible. Well, unless their ancestors were together but then one got stuck on the ground and one was on the ark.

"We do listen to her, we just don't always agree with her choices." Gina corrects the girl who nods her head slowly. Dahlia's mind only drifts as she wants to leave and go find her people. She knows she should be thankful and she is but she needs to know if her people, if any, are still alive. "We're our own people." Gina states and Dahlia sends her a warm smile before carefully getting up from the bed, masking her pain as it killed to even move an inch.

"Well, thank you for helping me but I have to go and find my friends." Dahlia tells the woman who instantly frowns as she stands up. Gina then grabs a hold of the girls arm as she shakes her head.

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