First Tag in the Bag

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I got tagged by Jaschicken . So thank you so much. Notice my excitement.

Well I can't add the photo so I have to write them in so curse you wattpad photo adder.

Mentioned who tagged you

Do the tag less than three days

Say 10 things about your self

Tag 28 people

Put a title to the tag

Tell a joke

Put these rules in your tag

Tell a spoiler about one of your stories.

I already mentioned them

All ready done

1. I love the horror movie franchise
2. I am a huge fan of mlp. I know I am weird deal with it.
3. I have a step sister and a half brother.
4. One of my part in this story is based off of my real life other than a author's note.
5. I lived in three different countries my whole life Germany, United States of America, and United Kingdom.
6. I lived in five different places in America.
7. I have a IQ of 210
8. I have taken over 10 different IQ tests.
9. I love roller coasters
10. I am afraid of heights and boats

A joke okay here we go. No I am not good at them but here is a pick up line that is funny.
Have you fallen from heaven because I think I fallen in love.

Me: Nope I have crawled out of hell to be with you.


That is everyone I know so here is my tag if you want to know stuff about me just ask.

I forgot a stupid spoiler.

A innocent child gets killed no reason. So keep an eye out for it.

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