The Boy In The Polka Dotted Bikin. Chap, Five.

Start from the beginning

"Really?" he said, and I giggled.

"No, I just love saying the word yes. Stupid, I said yes and I mean it" I said, and he let out a big breath of relief. "So..." he said, and I stopped.

"We should head back.." I motioned towards Melody who was waving her hands behind his back. When he turned around, she stopped and looked at Hunter.

"Yeah, Melody might being have a heart attack, the way her hands were moving" he said, and I laughed. We began to walk back, our hands connected and a blush rose on my cheeks. I should be bursting with excitement right now, this hot, popular, childhood crush of mine just asked me out. On a date, and were holding hands. The only thing I can imagine though is Ian. The way his hand felt on mine, how soft his cheek was when I kissed it. His deep voice, everything. "You okay?" Caliber asked, and my head shot up.

"Umm, Yeah why wouldn't I be..?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"I don't know" he said, and I gave him a half smile. When we got back, I noticed the girls were gone and Melody was squealing up a storm. "I call being the maid of honor, Hunter you'll be a waiter" Melody said and Hunter narrowed his eyes.

"I'll be the stinking, best man" Hunter said and Melody made gagging noises.

"No, then will have to walk down together as a...couple" she said the last word sickeningly and fell to the ground. This whole time my cheeks were burning red, and Caliber was looking at the ground. "Shut up, Dip shits. Were going on a date, not getting married" I said, and Caliber nodded in agreement.

"Whatever you say" melody said in a sing dong voice. I narrowed my eyes, and then started taking off my dress. So I could lay out and tan, when I heard Melody singing a song. "Willow and Caliber sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."

"You finish that song and ill kill you" I said, and she stood up. A smirk filling her face.

"FIRST COMES LOVE" she screamed, and I darted after her.

"THEN COMES MARRIAGE, THEN COMES A BABY CARRIAGE" she sang, as I chased her in the water. "Melody SHUT Up" I screamed, and she laughed. She opened up her mouth to sing it again, when I jumped towards her. Pushing her and myself into the water. When we came up from the water we were laughing our asses off. The boys were laughing too, after an hour of playing in the water. Melody and I decided to go tan while the boys continued there messing around.

We were laying out, the sun beating down on us when I heard my name called. "Willow" the voice yelled, and I looked up. Too see Harley waving her hands around, I waved back and she came running over. "You have to come and say hey, to everyone else. Especially Ian" she said, pulling me up. I didn't know what to do, I wanted too see Ian, but Caliber was here. "Go, Ill cover for you" Melody said, a smile on her face.

"Thank girly" I said, and she waved her hand like it was no problem. I walked all the way across the beach with Harley. I saw him before he saw me. He was wearing trunks, his perfect body on full view. He was playing Frisbee with James, and Derrek.

"Look what I brought back" Harley yelled, and they all spun around. Ian's eyes widened, and James smirked, while Derrek looked confused. "Willow" Ian hollered, a grin spreading on his face as we grew closer to them. "Ian" I said, and he ran towards me. Pulling me into a hug, that had me laughing. "Who are you with?" he asked.

"Melody, Hunter, and Caliber" I answered and his eyes narrowed with jealousy for a moment before he hid the Jealousy. "Let us finish our

game, then we can talk?" he asked, and I nodded. I went and sat down on his towel. "I'm going to sit out, Harley cover for me" Derrek said, and sat next to me. I grew nervous immediately.

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