"1 point to Isaiah." I say and I write one point down for him. "Ok next is most likely to forget?"

"Um me?" He ask.

"No me." I answer. "I literally forget everything." I say to the camera. "Funniest moment together?" I quickly think of the funny moment.

"Ok so in 6th grade when the social studies teacher decided to lock everyone out that was late and unlocked the inside but forgot the outside. So when everyone but us two went to the restrooms they were all locked out." He explains every once in a while looking at the camera.

"Yup, that was pretty funny." I laugh and put another point for him. "Ok what is my favorite sport?"

"Volleyball." He answers confidently and I look at the camera then back at him with a confused look.

"C'mon, everyone knows that I love football." I whack the back of his head and he rubs it. "Ok next is what annoys you the most about me?"

"I know if I say this you will hurt me but I hate when during a movie you pick at your nails and it makes a sound and ugh." He shakes his head.

"Yeah that but I said when I eat bubble gum and I make that noise." I say and he nods. "Next is favorite animal."

"Panda?" Isaiah says unsure of himself.

"No it's a penguin!" I yell and laugh. "Favorite show."

"Duh American Horror Story." He says.

"Finally correct." I say and he laughs. "What's a weird thing I've eaten?"

"Oh yeah a couple of weeks ago she ate a pickle dipped in chocolate sauce." Isaiah says to the camera.

"Only because I was dared." I defend.

"Ok my turn." Isaiah says and pulls out his phone. "Ok what is my favorite color?"

"Indigo, everyone knows that." I say and we both laugh.

"Correct." I write one point for me. "Activity we do together."

"Be lazy and watch movies." I answers. "That's what we were doing before we made this video." I whisper to the camera.

"Yeah, but I said we play a lot of sports together." He says and I nod. "Big ant or little Dino?"

"Small Dino." I say and he nods meaning I was correct. I write me another point. Yes!

"Favorite song?"

"King For A Day by Pierce The Veil." I answers knowing he is always listening to that song, I also quiet like it.

"Yep." He rolls his eyes and I do a victory dance. Another point for Jenna. "Save from a burning house?"

"Your gun." I tell him.

"Nope." He smiles. "My tv." I roll my eyes. "Favorite movie?"

"The Purge 2 and Deliver Us From Evil." I know it's two but he loves both.

"Yup." Isaiah says popping the 'p'. "Travel destination?"

"Australia." I say. We both want to go there.

"Yeah." He says. "Now count the score."

I had won by one point. I had 5 and Isaiah had 4. We add a couple more questions but don't keep score.

"Well that's all we have for today so good bye guys." We both wave and I turn the camera off. I edit the video and post it. By the time I was done editing and the video was posted, it is 3:40. Wow. We watch other videos and all.

"I'm tired." Isaiah yawns and I roll my eyes. "I'm going to sleep in dad's room."

"Ok good night." I say and he walks to dad's room. You see my dad treats Isaiah like his own son. I feel my phone buzz.

From: Shawn

Just saw your video with Isaiah. It's hilarious. Xx

To: Shawn

Go to sleep weirdo!

From: Shawn

Then you go to sleep.

To: Shawn

I can't...

From: Shawn

Me neither. Do you think you could come over later today?

To: Shawn

I don't know I'll call my dad and ask. Good night.

From: Shawn

Good night beautiful. Xx.

I smile and lay back down on the couch. Soon, I fall into a deep slumber.


"Jenna wake up!" I hear Isaiah yell. I quickly sit up in a pool of sweat and tears down my face.

"W-what happened?" I ask and remember my nightmare.

"I woke up from hearing you screaming and sobbing." He tells me. "Is it the nightmare?"

"Yes, yeah does this have to happen to me?" I put my head in my hands still crying. Isaiah sits beside me and wraps his arm around me, I cuddle into his shoulder.

"Jen, a lot of people have this, it's not only you." My best friend reassures me.

"How do you put up with me?" I laugh and he does too.

"It's hard but I just do." He jokes.

"Yeah yeah." I say and we walk to the kitchen. "Want some cereal?"

"Sure." He answers. "Here's." He tosses the Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Thanks." I tell him and pour us both a bowl of it and he pours the milk and gets the spoons. We eat in silence until I hear my phone go off.


J- Hello?

S- Are you coming over today?

J- Crap Shawn. I forgot, I'll call my dad and text you if I can.

S- Ok, maybe I'll see you later, bye.

-End Of Convo-

"Who was that?" Isaiah ask as I walk back in the kitchen.

"Shawn, I forgot I told him I might try and come to his hotel." I tell him.

"Yeah, I'm suppose to hang out with Jonah today." Isaiah tells me. "So yeah."

"Yeah, I'll be back in a second." I say and leave to my room. I call dad.


D- Hello

J- Hey dad, could I go to a friend's house?

D- Sure, just be careful.

J- Ok I will, love you.

D- Love you too Jen.

-End Of Convo-

I walk back to the kitchen and see Isaiah done with his cereal.

"So are you going?" Isaiah ask.

"Yeah." I say.

"Do you want me to drive you?"

"Nah, his hotel is just a few minutes away." I tell him. "I'm going to get dressed."

"Ok, I'm going." We hug and he leaves me here alone.


Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter!


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