Pre-wedding Vacation [KrisTao]

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Yifan remembered agreeing to Tao's wish to have vacation before their wedding to break through their little stress of preparing their wedding. They had no plan whatsoever when they departed, and then, a little girl chattering joyously about going to Disneyland was what made Tao to send certain glance to Yifan over their fifth breakfast in Paris.


Work Text:

Pre-wedding Vacation

Moving past enormous amount of people at the entrance, Yifan looked past the sea of people to the magical pink and blue castle waiting majestically at the end of the main stcuffreet. Hurl of foreign languages buzzed around them but none of that stole Yifan's attention from the grand castle. Not until he heard familiar laugh and felt something dropped on his shoulders pulling him sideways.

Looking to his side, Yifan found Tao looking at him with amused smile. Raising his own brow, Yifan questioned the meaning of Tao's smile without a word as his stare alone could tell the other clearly.

Laughing at his fiancé's confounded expression, Tao raised his hand to pat Yifan's cheek. "You look totally awed."

Shrugging his shoulder lightly, Yifan said back, his lips pursed a bit. "Well, this place look cool."

Grinning, Tao dragged his hand down and took Yifan's. Tugging at it gently as he started walking forward, pulling the elder with him. "Come on."

"Ge! There is a dragon!" Tao's exclaim turned Yifan's gaze from Minnie who was waving her hand toward other guests several meters away from them. "It looks as broody as you."

The laughter in the younger's voice created a frown on Yifan's face that Tao couldn't stop himself from guffawing and pointing his finger back and forth at the dragon and Yifan.

Staring at the pointed dragon, Yifan radiated unimpressed look which didn't cease Tao's laugh as he asked himself why he was in Disneyland of all places in France.

Yifan remembered agreeing to Tao's wish to have vacation before their wedding to break through their little stress of preparing their wedding -Tao claimed, and Yifan didn't particularly have any reason to not agree with the idea.

After they made sure that they had got all the needed things, they booked ticket to Paris and weeks later, they found themselves arrived in Charles de Gaulle Airport.

They had no plan whatsoever when they departed, Tao's idea, Yifan explained if anyone asked about it. Tao said that aimless travel could be much more fun than planned one, because they didn't have any hectic schedule to follow and they could let themselves freely roamed the place they really wanted to. And then, a little girl chattering joyously about going to Disneyland was what made Tao to send certain glance to Yifan over their fifth breakfast in Paris.

Sighing as he walked through the crowd, Yifan looked at any attractions the park provided for their guests. Wondering what to visit first, he turned to Tao beside him. "Where should we go now?"

He expected to see Tao looking excited but contemplative, but instead he saw a young woman staring up at him confusedly. He stared and the woman acted flustered as she flailed her hands a bit while trying to speak to him in panic assemble of English and what seemed to be Spanish words. "I'm sorry. I don't understand... Sorry, I can't speak Chinese."

Smiling politely at her, Yifan nodded and turned away. His hand itched to cover his face when he found out that he was separated from Tao as he walked among the crowd. Not wanting to feel like he was the lost child, Yifan traced back his step to where he last saw Tao. And as he did so, the events taking place during their preparation suddenly flooded his mind.

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