Meddling (KrisHan)

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Luhan gives Yifan the full control to plan everything about their wedding. But he will start cracking into the plan almost every time

"I will let you decide it." Luhan first said when Yifan asked him about planning their wedding.

"Are you sure?" The taller asked, raising his brow high in disbelief.


"You won't complain?"

"I won't." Luhan said confidently. "I believe in your style."

"Okaaay." The younger drawled unsurely as his reply, still looking at the other oddly. He was sure that Luhan would cut in every now and then because he knew he would.



"So... I will choose this venue." Yifan said slowly as he looked through the website he opened in his laptop, taking in the details from every wedding pictures posted in that page.

"Okay." From his side, Luhan nodded without looking at what Yifan had been paying attention to as he looked at his own phone, reading a message.

Yifan who also didn't look at Luhan, continued jumping from one page to another. "Or this one?" He asked indecisively as each offers on that site were all tempting him to choose them. "It's really hard to choose one."

"Just choose one you like." Luhan suggested, not really helpful because Yifan liked them both.

"Which one do you like?" Yifan asked, stealing a glance to Luhan before looking back at his laptop again, comparing the two venues. "This one is bigger and had spacious parking area but a bit far from downtown, and the other one not that big but it had excellent service and offers."

Luhan took his time in thinking, and he hadn't come up with reply yet when Yifan piped up again. "Ah, I guess this one. Some of the guests are from outside China and it will be easier for them if the venue located near their hotels."

"Yeah, that will be better." Nodding to Yifan's explanation, Luhan looked up at the laptop and hummed in agreement at the picture displayed.

It was a week later that the couple went to the site Yifan had chosen. Yifan talked to the manager while she led them to show the hall and Luhan followed in tow, looking around with confusion.

"Lu?" The taller called when the short tour about to end and he saw the confused expression hanging from Luhan's beautifully manly face.

Turning to his spouse, Luhan raised his brow and motioned the younger to come closer. "This place looks different than the one I saw on your laptop." He whispered, making sure that the manager didn't hear him.

"What do you mean?" Mirroring the confused look on Luhan's face, he asked back.

"I saw open hall and garden party. That place looks more relaxing than this one."

Opening his eyes wide, Yifan retorted with half-hearted annoyance. "That's the other one."


"-ding, do you want Chinese food or western?" Yifan asked when they had their dinner after checking out the other venue -the one Luhan wanted-.

With him not completely hearing what Yifan had said, Luhan looked up from the menu to look at Yifan and then back to the menu book he hold. It's French restaurant they were in. "Western, of course." He answered obviously, but his answer resulted with Yifan looking up at him with narrowed gaze, even with his bangs down and hiding his furrowed brows, Yifan still looked intimidatingly sharp. Luhan who didn't understand what Yifan meant by that look, raised his brow questioningly.

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