Vow (KrisHo)

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Yifan smiled at Junmyeon, loving how Junmyeon only wanted the best for him, for them. "Thank you."

"You know.." Yifan started out of the blue, making Junmyeon raising his brow and looking at him expectantly. "I really feel grateful that you want to marry me."



"Are you sure? It's all good?" Yifan heard Junmyeon talking aloud into his phone.

Looking up from his book he was reading, Yifan strained his neck a little to look at the younger man who was making abstract motif on the living room floor with his traces of walk.

"No no no no. That one should go to the front. The one at the back is the pink one." Junmyeon said again, his hand raised to run its finger through the strand of black hair. Making a turn, he continued. "Yes. That will be better."

Closing his book, Yifan twisted on his seat in the kitchen to face the other whilst long arm stretched to find his coffee and then brought it to his lips. He continued watching the other drawing a masterpiece of invisible footsteps while sipping the already warm beverage carefully, knowing that the other would reach a particular point of explosion soon and he had to step in before it happened.

Gladly, Junmyeon had ended the call before his stress meter reached its limit. He slumped down onto the nearby couch and used his hand to smooth the deep crease on his forehead.

From his spot in the kitchen, Yifan could hear the exasperated sigh the other uttered and that would be the signal for him to approach the several months younger man. Standing up, he placed his book down beside the coffee cup before walking with long strides toward Junmyeon.

"Myeon?" Yifan called, the now familiar Korean name didn't sound as weird as when he first try saying it.

To his call, Junmyeon opened his eyes and turned toward Yifan with a small smile. "Yeah?" He asked softly, sitting up slowly, feeling better and better as the other closed the distance between them.

"Are you alright?" The taller of the two asked, brows almost knitting together with the length of worry he had.

"Why would I not be alright?" Junmyeon said, pulling Yifan to sit on his lap when he walked past him to take a seat on another couch.

Adjusting his sitting position, Yifan look at Junmyeon who placed his arms loosely around Yifan's waist. "You have been stressing yourself about the preparation."

Junmyeon chuckled at that, pulling the older into his hug as he raised his face a bit to place a soft peck on Yifan's pouty lips. "I'm good. Don't worry, Fan. Beside, I just want to make it great for you."

Yifan smiled at Junmyeon, loving how Junmyeon only wanted the best for him, for them . "Thank you."

They sat there silently, with Junmyeon's arms wrapping around the other's slimmer figure as they let their hands to entwine together. Both were staring at it with affectionate smile while Junmyeon hummed a love song he and Yifan knew.

For the wedding, Junmyeon wanted to tackle everything by himself, even going as far as asking Yifan to let him taking care of it. Yifan let him, knowing how much Junmyeon wanted to do it, but now, he was worried. "How is it going?" Yifan asked after several moments, his head laid on Junmyeon's shoulder while his eyes looking at the stretch of his legs over Junmyeon's. "The preparation, I mean."

Their position was a little weird, with Yifan, the taller one, sitting on Junmyeon's lap who despite his broader figure his limbs was not as long as Yifan; it almost looked like Junmyeon was hiding behind Yifan. Even so, Junmyeon found it comfortable with him able to hug Yifan close to him. Nuzzling his nose onto Yifan's black hair with platinum blonde streaks, he muttered softly. "It's been going well. Just need the decoration to be more well arranged."

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