It's time to wake up

Start from the beginning

"I will in a sec."She nodded and walked away.I walked into her room.It was all (f/c).It looked like a bunch of plushies, flower, and other things.I was confused.I kept looking anyway.I found a music note book then I got scared.

"Sally?What are you doing in here."

"Let me guess, your curious about her.You'll meet her soon."I heard masky.

"You'll love her Sal.Just like she'll love you back."Slendy stated this and walked out.I went down stairs.I start training today.

Reader's P.O.V

Once Jeff left, I put my hair pin in my hair and put my bracelet on.I replayed the same video on my phone.

I got off that and went to a music video.I began to play a thousand years.I started to sing to it to.

I had tears rolling down my cheeks, this was the song me and Kristin loved, but it also reminds me of my love for my friends.I will lose this grip on it later.

I picked snow up and dressed her cutely and went for a run.

I walked out and walked to the park.I whispered to my self"God it's fucking cold.I shouldn't have worn short, tank top, and running shoes.I'll get used to it soon hopefully."Snow stayed at my side.When she heard another dog, I looked at her.She fought her feeling to go and stayed with me.

We got to the park and I began to jog.I always did love the park first thing in the morning.No ones here.

After about four laps I sat on the swings, watching as Snow played in the grass.I giggled when I saw a butterfly land on Snow's nose and she just looked at me.

I got up and started to jog home.

I walked in and took my shoes off.Everyone was still asleep.

Snow and me creeped back up to my room.I, of crouse, need another shower.I smelt like sweat.I took my hair pin out, and took my necklace, and bracelet, off.

I grabbed my clothes and got in the shower.

I came back out and start on my hair."Snow, why do people just disappear in your life?"She looked at me and cocked her head.I pet her head.I giggled again.

"Yeah.I know, you don't know.I just need to ask a life question, and like most people, they ask the pet that stupid question.I'm an idiot."I shook my head still giggling.I got up and put my creepypasta necklace on, and tucked it, and bracelet.I left my (h/l) (h/c) (hair type, such as curly, straight, wavy) hair down, and put the hair pin in.I then put my wolf bracelet on the opposite wrist of my creepypasta on.By then I could hear my dad getting up.

'Wow.I woke up earlier.It's only now five?'I walked down stairs.I heard my dad on the phone.

"Yeah.I'm taking the day off."

"The meeting?Set for tomorrow.I need some time with my littlest girl.She isn't in the beat of moods, and I know why.And it's not only because of this job.She just needs daddy daughter time."

"Alright thank you Joe.Bye."I walked looking like I hadn't just heard everything.

"Morning Daddy."I said it blankly.I knew what he meant on the phone.He meant Jeff, my friends dieing, and a lot of other things.

"Oh, hi sweetie.What are you doing up and running?"

"I woke up earlier and went for a run.I also talked to Jeff.That's where the hair pin and bracelet came from if your wondering."He nodded.

"So, what do you want to do today?"I looked at him after I poured my some orange juice.I took a sip and shrugged my shoulders.

"What do you want to do?"

"I heard a beautiful spot that I believe you would like.We could have a picnic, and if you want you could swim."My eyes lit up.I sat my drink down and looked at him.

"How?You have work."

"No, I took the day off for you.And Joe told me about this area.He said this spot is beautiful.So lets go.You go get ready.I'll make the basket."I nodded and ran up stairs.

I put Snow in a cute little dress, that she could also swim in.I packed a small bag, mostly full of stuff for Snow, and some for me.I put flipflops on.I was already in a tank top, and shorts.

I grabbed my sunglasses and sunblock, threw them in the bag.And last, but not least, my phone and charger.Never know when you might need it.I was ready.

So I walked down stairs.My dad was getting dressed and the basket still wasn't ready.I rolled my eyes and went outside.I put my stuff in the backseat.I grabbed my phone out, and put it in my back pocket.

Snow hopped in the back and I got in the front and waited for daddy.I start to get bored, so I facetime Masky.

"Hey Mask!"

"Hey.What are you up to?"

"Checking on you guys while i'm waiting for my dad.You?"

"Watching Slender train the new pasta.She isn't doing so well.When do you think you'll be back?"

"I have no clue.Oh!I'm sorry I have to go.Tell her I said good luck, and she'll do great.Tell her i'm dieing to meet her and that I love her.But, don't let anyone tell her my name."

"Ok we won't, bye."

"Bye.Oh love you brother. And the others to bunches and bunches."

"I'll tell them.We love you back, bunches and bunches."I got off hearing my dad swear loudly.Wow, it's bee an hour.

He finally got outside and put the basket in the trunk.He got in an we started driving

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