"Wear this. You have no idea what even part timers wear at that place. I know you don't care about appearances, but I want you to wear this, just for the first day. I want to low key show you off. I mean, it's still pretty simple." Seulgi took the dress squinting at Taeyong, but finally agreed.

"When do you start?"

"Three days from today."


The car stopped and Seulgi took deep breaths as she did a final check of her things

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The car stopped and Seulgi took deep breaths as she did a final check of her things. She slung her bag over her shoulder, ready to leave.

"Good luck baby. You'll do great!" she smiled as Taeyong leaned closer, and pecked her lips before letting her go. Seulgi waved at him as he drove off, and turned to see the main entrance of the building.

Well, here goes nothing...

She entered the building, and walked over to the information counter.

"Excuse me. I'm Kang Seulgi. I'm here on probation." the woman looked up, eyed Seulgi, then typed something into her computer.

"Go to the seventh floor, and here's your card." she passes her a card, and Seulgi thanks her before heading to the elevator. She leaned against the wall of the elevator, going through her phone to distract herself a little bit. The elevator stopped, and she walked out after checking the floor number.

After a little lost walking, she found a sign that lead her to her destination. She followed, and found a room with three other girls, and a staff.

"H... Hello..." she awkwardly bowed and entered the room, sitting in the one of the two empty chairs. The door again opened the moment she sat, and she looked to see the last new employee.

"Oh... Surprised you made the cut." Seulgi rolled her eyes and looked away as Krystal sat next to her. Everyone stared at her, then proceeded to roll call.

"Kang Seulgi, Ko Eunji, Krystal Jung, Oh Jimin, Seo Juhyun. Is that all?" they all looked around and nodded in confirmation.

"All right then. Remember, all of you are in probation only, so any flaws will reduce your chances of getting the permanent spot. We will only have... Three of you in the final round, two for our designing department, and one for our sales. Ms. Seo, Ms. Kang and Ms... Jung, right? The three of you are in design, while Ms. Oh and Ms. Ko are in sales. You may all leave now. Designing in level ten, and sales level twelve. I wish you all the best." everypne left the room and headed to their designated floors. A lady waited for them at the elevator on each floor, and walked them in for introductions.

"These are the new probationary designers. Please introduce yourselves."

"Hello. I'm Seo Juhyun. Just call me Seohyun." the people simply clapped at her cheerful introduction.

"Hello... I'm Kang Seulgi. I hope we get along..."

"Hi! I'm Krystal. I come from L.A. Hope you guys are nice to me!" the applause sounded louder this time, and Seulgi noticed even Seohyun eyeing Krystal in slight anger. She could see why.

"Such an attention seeker..." Seulgi heard her say under her breath, and chuckled.

"Alright. You will be sitting over there at the side for now, and when you get permanently selected, we will give you your own desks." the office lady said pointing to a long table, where three chairs were placed.

The three girls nodded and took their own places, Seulgi making sure to sit away from Krystal. Surprisingly, Seohyun did the same, and the two ended up sitting right next to each other.

"Hey." Seohyun smiled at her, and she greeted back. "I can tell we're going to be good friends here." she said, pointing to Krystal with her eyes. Seulgi smiled, and nodded in agreement.

They sat and waited for something to happen, when one of the employees approached them with files in her hand.

"Here. We need new clothes for the summer collection, so try sketching a few of your ideas. It'll help you through your probation, designing things for each season and stuff." she said and left them with work to do. Seulgi started right away, and so did Seohyun. She peeked up and saw Krystal going through her phone, as if not bothered by the work.

"Oh. And it's due this Friday. After that, you may need to create a sample to show the president. If she agrees, you're piece will be out."

President? That was Taeyong's mother. Seulgi gulped and her hand started to shake as she tried to do her work, reading the papers while trying to make her own design.

"Hahaha! No way! Well, I'm def gonna get this. I mean they need a week. Pft. I can do it in a day..." Seohyun rolled her eyes, making Seulgi laugh, earning a glare from Krystal. She turned around and continued talking in the phone.

"She's such a b****." Seulgi shushed Seohyun, eyeing the others around them, who seemed to be ignoring Krystal. They continued with their work, and it was soon lunch time. But before they could go, everyone stood up and looked towards the entrance, waiting. Seulgi looked and froze at the guest.

"Good afternoon President Song." the employees greeted and bowed, and Seulgi quietly followed. She kept her head low, but they were called out.

"Let me see the new faces." Krystal flipped her hair, head up high, and flaunted towards her. Seulgi and Seohyun both watched her in shock as she stood in front of the woman and talked as if a professional. They made way next, Seulgi keeping her head slightly up to have the least bit of eye contact.

"I'm Seohyun. Nice to meet you."

"I'm... Seulgi. I'll work hard and do my best... President. It's... Nice to meet you." Oksook watched how she behaved and patted her shoulder.

"Just relax. I'm a very relaxed person. All of you can treat me as if your own mother." she snickered, and left, leaving Seulgi frozen.

"Hey you OK?" Seohyun pulled her to walk to the cafeteria. "You're so frozen. You scared of her?" she shook her head.

"No. I was just... nervous. Let's eat."


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