S - Prolegomenon

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Before actually starting the story, I need some imput. Which would be better: having Error as another criminal (what I am leaning more towards) or as someone working with law enforcement? And, should the story have side ships/be multiship?

Because I am unsure, Error most likely won't be introduced until after a few chapters. I don't want to confuse anyone.

Chapter numbers are in Roman numerals, and S is 1/2, so--

Also, in this story, Nightmare did not eat all of the apples. Dream was forced to eat the same amount as Nightmare in order to keep the balance. He still used to be a guardian of the Tree of Feelings, of course.

Warning: this book contains violence, cursing and possibly some suggestive scenes. And knowing me, OOC characters. You've been warned.

Happy reading. And my apologies for the long note.


A somewhat short skeleton clad in dark clothing was seen crossing a gravel road in Ketshal with a large, yet thin suitcase in hand. The streetlights were constantly flickering, which helped none to see their face or any other feature. (That city name is made up, by the way. Completely random.)

This said skeleton walked down a road full of empty buildings that looked like they would fall down with even the smallest touch. This couldn't be true, because at the moment, wind was blowing fiercely and none of these buildings so much as tilted. The dark skeleton could be heard cursing at the wind.

The skeleton began to sprint down the street, which unfortunately for them, was going uphill from their perspective. Eventually they stopped at an unused apartment building and entered through one of the broken windows.

After a very short period of time, the skeleton of interest opened a door that lead to one of the apartment's rooms. They seemed to make a disgusted face at the people before them.

"Did you bring it?"

The surprisingly soft voice of one of the other criminals rang out, unpleasantly filling the room. All was silent other than the wind blowing, the old, rundown apartment building groaning from the pressure. The sudden noise was loud, and it hurt Nightmare's nonexistent ears as well as the others'.

The government promised to either tear it down or repair it, but obviously, they haven't quite gotten to work on it. In fact, this building has supposedly been forgotten and as a result became a meeting place for all sorts of criminals. It is thought to be safe from law enforcement and the citizens.

The skeleton-shaped figure held up a briefcase, heavy with the said item(s) and dropped it into the awaiting arms of one of the gang members. There were about eight people in the room, not including the skeleton. It was not money, though.

They cocked an eyebrow at the one to receive the briefcase.

"You need to fulfill your part of the deal," the skeleton say harshly, crossing their arms. Their voice is masculine, so let us assume that they are a male. "You know what happens when you don't, I hope you know." He sneers.

"No, don't you worry."

The goopy skeleton glanced over at the aggressive-looking bird-like monster that spoke. In its talons it held the item in which said skeleton seemed to be seeking. With an affirmative nod, he holds out a hand expectantly.

"But don't you think that'd be too easy?" A human continues for the 'bird', receiving an animalistic growl from the skeleton.

The skeleton frowned, or, well, as much as he could. His smile was semi-permanent.

The sound of a blade being unsheathed and scraping against the scabbard. "We 'spect more 'an that from the 'nfamous Night." This human had a slight accent that this said 'Night' couldn't identify, but it annoyed him a bit.

(Night was not his actual name, but it still was rather close, unbeknownst to everyone other than himself. He was given this name because of 'how easily he could blend into the shadows', and the fact that he was dark as well, probably. This didn't matter much to Night, why he was given this name, however.)

"Are you really doing this? I would let you go unscathed if you give me what I want. This is unnecessary." Normally, Night would be more than willing to start a fight, but this whole... meeting was suspicious. To be frank, Night was rather reluctant to meet with these people, but he didn't have much of a choice to begin with.

His question was answered by one of the monsters. It wasn't a magic attack, but a physical one. They seemed to have expected to slice through one of the appendages protruding through Night's back, but they didn't even get close. One of the tendrils wrapped itself around the monster, pulling it closer to Night as if reeling in a fish. Night narrowed his visible cyan eye at the insect monster, then began to snap its antennae off. Night doesn't consider himself to be a murderer, though he probably was, and though he would enjoy to continue, he didn't and instead dropped the insect monster onto the ground.

A human had lunged at Night and successfully tackled him, face down. Fortunate for Night, the human was too slow to do anything with his tentacles. Night then shifted a tendril into a point, stabbing the human in their abdomen, flinging them at the bystanders.

Night wasted no more time to get up. As he pushed himself off of the ground, in Night's peripheral vision, he saw a scrawny human rapidly pressing a button of some sort. Night then glanced around the room, seeing the large group surrounding him. It shouldn't be a problem to retrieve what he came there for and escape, right? I'm being sarcastic. Although this Night was powerful, he couldn't minimise the risk of getting caught by either the police or this gang. So, he sped through the people as if they were playing a game of Red Rover. Night had succesfully slipped through to where he last had seen the bird. Only to see the item laying on the ground, torn into shreds.

The only skeleton in the room was soon trapped in a corner. He growled loudly at the mix of humans and monsters, formulating a plan to escape just when heavily armed men burst through the door and came in through windows. How did the police find out?

That human–

"Freeze, or we'll shoot!"

Night and the gang did stop moving, all turning their heads to the newcomers. The ones still conscious and in one piece, I mean. There are certainly too many people in the room. Night attempted to use this to his advantage. Whilst the others were distracted, he'd blend in with the shadows and slip away. He wondered why he hadn't thought of it sooner, but then decided he could ponder later.

Quietly, Night took a step back, only for someone–Night could not identify them– to shine a flashlight at him and shout, "there!"

Night sheilded himself with his so-called tentacles, hissing quietly.

"Isn't that-?"

This person grunted, nodding at the unfinished question. "Throw it on 'em."

Before Night could fully process what was happening, a net was thrown over him. A magic-restraining one, actually. Just for good measure, the police shot him several times with tranquiliser darts. The reaction was not immediate, for Night was struggling to get the net off with no success.

The police began to communicate to other officers, presumably right outside of the building, via radios, or if you'd like, walkie-talkies.

"Some gang ... custody ... captured that ... criminal..."

None else was heard from the poor Night, who'd eventually succumbed to unconsciousness, the item Night had been seeking long forgotten.


Words: 1295

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