III - There Goes Gravity

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III - There Goes Gravity

¡ay caramba! this is late and written at 04:00 so it's likely to be of poor quality as usual. lo siento.  i took forever due to lack of inspiration -- i watched seven episodes of smth and got *inspired*

and of course the fact that i don't have actual wifi and i have to use someone's data. i'm tired of this but at this rate i doubt that the wifi will ever be fixed.

i don't exactly have an updating schedule. i will try to keep updates at most a week. this one is longer than i planned.

you can expect titles to be names of songs/lyrics, oof.


 "What's your name?"


"Ah, yes. I'm Ink. You don't need to keep calling me 'chief'. Besides, I wasn't the one in charge of that... that thing a month ago. The professionals, they called themselves, but they don't seem that way. It's probably just me. I'm rambling. Anyways, what did you want me for again?"

Dream blinked, confused for a moment, then spoke up. Had they forgotten already? He seems to ponder for a few moments, then drops it. "I would like to show you some things... Ink."

The clicking of the pair's boots against the marble floor was the only sound that could be heard distinctly at that time, because they were passing through one of the hallways and were no longer in the much louder lobby. Chatter and the ringing of phones could still be heard faintly from their positions, however.

"Right," this Ink says, nodding. "Let's go to my office, then."

Before Dream could comment on this, he was practically dragged there by the other skeleton. 

After a couple of minutes, they had arrived. Only then did Ink let go of the smaller's arm, and he didn't even apologise for quite literally dragging the other. Once inside of the awfully cluttered office, Ink made sure to lock the door to prevent any interruption.

This said office would have looked nice if it weren't for the papers everywhere, and sticky-notes of many different colours adorning random surfaces in the office. Straight ahead was the desk, three chairs, a hot mess, and a large window with thin, cream-coloured curtains covering it. The desk seems to be made of mahogany, and the bigger chair, which is assumed to be the one in which Ink would sit, is made of leather, the leather dyed black. It also has wheels. There was a file cabinet in the top-left corner from where the door is located.

"Welcome to my office! I haven't cleaned it... ever. But I still know where everything is, don't get me wrong. Most of the papers laying around are actually just reminders and sometimes my drawings find their way onto the floor or are left on my desk."

Dream managed to read a couple of the sticky-notes attacked to the lamp on Ink's desk. The sticky note was a bold yellow, reading: "The writing utensils and erasers are located in the top-right drawer." The next one was red, reading: "Don't forget to refill the vials." This note confused the small police officer, but he then inferred that Ink forgot things a lot and needed reminders.

While Dream was taking a seat in a chair in front of the desk, the chief picked up a blank sheet of paper off of the floor, then sat in the over-sized chair (Ink is rather short as well, and the chair towered over him as well) with a pencil in hand.

"So what is it you have to tell me?"

───────────MEANWHILE, IN THE PRISON───────────

Night, once again, had to be escorted to his destination, which was the day room at the moment. It could be considered night, because it is around 18:00, but the sun is still up and that's good enough, it seems. The day room was a room where inmates could hang out before, during, or after meals. It depends on when the inmates are let out for their hour, and sometimes inmates choose to eat in the day room. Most likely to socialise. There were several metal tables and one television on your the wall, large enough to see from the back tables. The day room lead to restrooms, the courtyard, and the 'chow hall' or cafeteria. It's near the middle of the block. Most inmates were either in the day room or out in the yard during this free time.

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