Soon enough the music picks up, becoming faster as strong chords, that can send chills down every spine, hit over and over. I never knew where I got the passion for music all my life until my dad found me at the church piano, playing when he told me how much mom loved to sing and listen to music. I'd like to think I got it from her. I wonder if she were still alive today if she'd accept me for 

The final part of the song enters after a short pause and my hands move with even more speed. My mind goes blank as instinct takes over. My body moves with the tempo and I close my eyes yet again, knowing perfectly where every key, every note lay. I've played this tune a thousand times. Low notes go up and down as the high melody played a bittersweet tune. I think of how painful it was living with my homophobic father, his constant badgering of how gay is a sin! God's plan for me and my utter betrayal to him. I don't want to go through that ever again. Microscopic tears rise behind my closed eyelids as I let out the breath I held and played the final chord, ending my 5 seconds of fame.

I look up, leaving the trance I was caught in, met dozens of shocked faces. A few seconds pass as applause from the entire room erupts. Whistles from slightly wasted people shocked me as I stood up. I look down to see Erwin clapping enthusiastically, Hanji was cheering, jumping up and down like a crazy fangirl. I take a modest bow and then my eyes land on those cold eyes. Yet they were in a way, warmer. Levi sat, arms still crossed but loose, his face was softer than usual. And finally the sarcastic, smirk he owned did not hold any attitude. That was a smile! That was the first time I ever saw an actual grin, even if it was half-assed! He nodded his head once, assuring me of my performance. I couldn't help it as a big goofy grin formed on my face.

The ride home was filled with Hanji asking me where I learned to play. I just told her that I learned from the last pianist for the church. His name was Mr. Hannes, he was amazing at what he did. He taught me to read music, play, and then much more. After he left, I took over his position at the church. From then on I improved my skill myself. By the end, everyone in the car was intrigued and Erwin finally asked where I was going to college. I told them about Rose college, however, Rose city college isn't just any college, it has a crazy music program, and it is seriously hard to get into. You have to audition and everything, and if you do make the cut, it is a full ride! That is my next goal!

I look in front of me, instantly met with Levi's eyes. "You're gonna get that scholarship don't doubt yourself."

I nod in agreeance and watch as he turns back around and clasps his hand with Erwin's. In the backseat, I end up staring out the window at the passing buildings.

That scholarship is mine!

- - - - Two weeks later - - - -

"HANJI HANJI HANJI! GUESS WHAT?!" I yelled as I burst through the door.

"Living room!" Hanji yelled back.

I ran in holding a letter from Rose college. I applied for the music scholarship and I was waiting to see if I qualified. "I qualify and I got my date for the audition for Rose!" I yelled as I stumbled into the living room.

Hanji sat on the floor with papers scattered around her. "That's great! I'm sure you'll get in you don't even have to worry!" She said while searching through the mess.

"What's all that?" I ask.

Hanji sighs, "Huhh it's the rent history of all the rooms in the building. I need to organize them by number, year, renter, and a lot more."

Obviously, she was stressed so I decided to help her and we sat for hours sorting all of the paperwork. Finally, "Eren! Oh my God, when is your audition?" Hanji asked, she finally caught up.

More Than a Coincidence (An Ereri/Riren fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now