
I got out of the car and made my way to school. As soon as I opened the doors, all eyes turned towards me. I ignored their stares and walked to my locker. As soon as I opened the locker door it was pushed back hitting me in the forehead. Yup I was definitely expecting that. The culprit was none other than Luke. He walked past me challenging me into a stare down. He shouted "murderer" when he reached the end of the hallway and disappeared. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. That's definitely gonna leave a bump.

I slammed my locker door shut with a lot of force than needed and stomped towards English Lit class. Everyone got out of my way, as I was fuming. I went to the class and sat down at the back. A few minutes later, Ryder came and his eyes connected with mine. His eyes never left mine until he was sitting down right beside me. He gave me a hesitant smile. I smiled back at him. His tense posture relaxed visibly.

"Hey so I..." We both said at the same time. Awkward. "You go first." I said looking at my hands on my lap. "No you go first." He said. I inhaled deeply and looked at him. His eyes were swirling with anticipation.

"Look about the incident in the cafeteria. I'm sorry I was so harsh on you. It wasn't your fault. You didn't know the kind of bullying here. And I really wanna thank you for standing up to him but please try not to do that again. You'll only make it worse. Once again Ryder I'm sorry." I said, as I lowered my eyes, unable to maintain eye contact.

His warm, calloused hands covered mine. His breath hit my ear as I realized he was leaning wayyy too close. "You don't have to apologize, Rose. I'm sorry for not listening to you. And I wanted to hurt that bastard and smack some sense into him. Even though he's my friend it is still wrong. And I'm not gonna stop standing up for you. Because if you're not gonna do that, Rose then you might as well let me do it. Okay?" He said. As soon as I opened my mouth to protest he stopped me.

"No, Rose. You do not get to stop me from shaping my friend into someone he was." He said. I finally lifted my eyes to look at him. His nose was almost touching mine. My heart started beating faster.

I immediately dropped my eyes, unable to gaze into the intensity of his eyes. The bell rang making me jump a little. He removed his hands, making my hands cold again. He turned around and looked forward. As soon he caught me looking at him, he flashed me a dazzling wink and looked ahead as our most boring teacher came into class.

After half an hour I heard snoring from somewhere. I looked at Ryder to see him sleeping peacefully. His hair was covering half of his eyelids. His lips were pursed. He was snoring so loudly. I stifled a giggle as he scrunched up his nose, his bangs tickling his nostrils. His eyes opened, dazed. He sat up straight and stretched like a kitten. The action cause the girls to swoon as his V-Neck shirt tightened everywhere. I could faintly make out the six-pack he had under his shirt.

"Why the hell are we still in this class?" He asked a little too loudly and everyone chuckled, mostly the girls. Good thing the teacher was sleeping. Otherwise he would've given him detention.

"I don't know." I said after a few seconds. "Hey do you wanna ditch? It would be better than hearing Professor PittStain snoring." He said, looking at me with a hopeful expression. As soon as I heard what he said I started laughing. I covered my mouth so that no one can hear my hyena laugh and instead settled with slapping my hands on the table.

I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye. Ryder was looking at me with a strange smile. "Ryder it's PITTAIN not PITTSTAIN." I said looking at me, incredulously.

"I know. It's just.... It's been a while since I've seen you smile or laugh." He said, smiling. Okay he does not get to say that. Instead of calling him out on it I decided to keep quiet.

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