37: Pregnancy Series - Morning Sickness.

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Carlos: The one thing you'd been dreading about pregnancy was morning sickness, and for a good reason too. When on the topic of pregnancy throughout your life, your mother had always told you how horrible her morning sickness was and how someday you'd know. She was right, you were into your 11th week of pregnancy and so far your morning sickness had only started about two weeks ago but initially it had been no where near as bad as it is now. The past couple of days you had been woken up in the early hours of the morning feeling nauseas. You'd rush to the bathroom just in time, but you wouldn't be able to get back to sleep for hours. Then finally late in the morning, you'd pick yourself up and get in the shower washing away the sickness for another morning, although mentally preparing yourself to do it all again tomorrow. While the morning sickness was less exhausting Carlos had been supportive, but you'd always told him not to worry and to stay in bed, however as the days wore on and it began to get worse, he'd get up with you every morning, holding your hair back if you needed, or rubbing your back and soothing you. Most mornings though, it was just nice to have someone sitting in the bathroom with you in between, waiting and keeping you entertained, taking your mind off your least favourite part of pregnancy.

James: It had only been a few months since you'd fallen pregnant and as per the norm, you'd been experiencing morning sickness. Although it was only mild, it had been a few weeks and it seemed like there was no end to the nausea. Being the sweet boyfriend he was, James was determined to ease the morning sickness and calm your upset tummy. Since the morning sickness started, every time you even looked the least bit uncomfortable or like you could throw up, James was on his phone researching some new remedy that could help alleviate the symptoms. Each time you tried one that didn't work, James would beat himself up about it, but you just thought it was cute and would always reassure him that what he was doing was sweet, and you appreciated it whether his remedies worked or not. There were a few remedies that worked, licorice and peppermint. You already loved tea before being pregnant, so peppermint and licorice tea were the two things that managed to calm your stomach whenever you felt nauseas during the day. While you were always open to trying new ways of keeping the sickness at bay, these were your go to remedies, and every time you felt sick, James would jump at the chance to make you whichever type of tea you wanted, just so you could be comfortable during this part of the pregnancy.

Kendall: Pregnancy was one of the most joyful times in your life, however what they don't tell you is that it can also be one of the worst. You had expected a little bit of pain and of course morning sickness within the first couple of months, but you definitely didn't expect it to last long or to be as severe as it was. So far, you'd been experiencing morning sickness for six of the seven months you'd been pregnant, and it was the worst. Regardless of whatever you did, or how much you took the doctors orders, you just couldn't shake it. The doctors weren't too concerned to begin with, but now you were really worried as you'd started to lose weight and become dehydrated. When this happened, the only way to treat the illness was to hospitalise you. When the doctors began to treat you, administering important nutrients that were needed to continue with a healthy pregnancy, you were relieved more than anything however Kendall was overly worried. The whole time you were in hospital, he never left your side, worrying and fussing over you to no end. You could never quite reassure him enough that now that you were in safe hands, you were fine. You felt most sorry for the doctors and nurses though, they had to continuously deal with his relentless questioning about both you and the baby, making 100% sure that both of you were going to be happy and healthy once again.

Logan: Before you'd gotten pregnant, you'd always talk with your friends about the ups and downs of pregnancy, particularly when your best friend fell pregnant. The whole time she was going through her morning sickness phase, she continually told you in the most dramatic way to never get pregnant purely because of the morning sickness. At the time, you thought she was being melodramatic, "it's the best time of your life" you'd tell her with a smile, in the back of your mind excited to become a mother someday yourself. Now that you were pregnant however, you wished you had have listened to her advice. As incredible as it felt to have another little person growing inside you, and knowing you'd be a mum in just a few short months, there was also the issue of morning sickness.... or so it's called. As if having to throw up everyday for weeks on end wasn't enough, you were one of the women who's morning sickness didn't take place in the morning. You were suffering from "evening" sickness. All throughout the day you'd be absolutely fine, and then as soon as it hit 6 o'clock it would begin. You'd lock yourself in the bathroom for a few hours until it was all over. While you didn't mind not being woken up extremely early in the morning, being sick in the evening did make it hard to go out to dinner with friends or even just have a normal night in with Logan. He however, was very supportive, making sure there was a steaming hot mug of tea and something good to eat to settle your stomach, which you were extremely grateful for, but you still couldn't wait for the morning sickness could subside and your life could go back to normal.

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