Part 4 - Vulnerable Hunky Bear

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I tried to focus on my duty not to the irresistible figure, but the naughty daydreamings kept blowing in my mind. I wanted to touch that thick arm...that adorable face...

"Focus, Nadine!!" I told myself. I made my direction to a chair beside the bed. I saw a glass of drink and noodle on a plate for his breakfast on the nightstand. "He allowed Maigo to enter his bedroom, so I do too," I thought...

I glanced back to the bed. Again... In a desperate attempt not to lock my eyes to his face, I then could only transfixed in my sitting. Admiring his facial hair on that pale skin. He got so handsome manly face with that clean shaved neckbeard and...his lips. His mouth opened while snooring softener now. The thirst consumed me, I sucked in my throat. No guy had ever had this effect on me before...!

A slight movement on his left arm, had my conciousness back. On my nerves, I extended my hand to wake him up.

The time my fingers touched his arm's skin, he woke up with a jolt!

I took my hand back, felt so worry by his reaction...!

Finding me sitting next to his bed, he looked to feel alarmed. He leaned his body backwards on his palms. His body tightening, he stared at me, looked very strange by my existence."What are you doing here?" He looked so discomfortable. "When You came in?"

I could only stared at him and feeling agitated.

"It''s my room? Get out of my room!!" He stiffened. He tried to raise his back to sit. He clenched the sheet as staring at me.

"I..I's time for you to take a bath..." I stuttered.

He loosen the hard face a little, "So...What will you do here? See me bathing?" He said curtly.

"I... I...Your mom gives me schedule to bath you."

"What?!" He slightly leaned his body farther to the back as if he didn't want me touching him, "I don't believe it!"

"O..okay, I will take the scedule...!" Hurriedly I got out of the room. I ran back to show him my schedules.

Brendan looked at it in a flash and threw his sight away.

I looked down as mused how to bathe him. I used to clean the decrepits. They were old and easy to handle.... But this time, I must deal with the oddest patient ever. Bad tempered, stubborn and really a rough guy!!

"I can take a shower with myself..." He said wintry as tried to edge from the bed. Saw me still standing in front of the bed, he stared at me. His jet eyes didn't stray from my face for 3 seconds, burning with hatred. It's the longest stare I got... And even he gave me a snort...!!

I stepped backward...

Brendan moved laboriously, looked struggle so hard to move every parts his body. I felt pity for this young guy. With that the big body, he couldn't even move easily from his bed. Finally he could reach the bed's edge and then swinging his legs out of bed. He extended one hand to reach out a shower chair beside the bed. It was a space from the bed to the shower chair. I was going to roll close the chair for him.... But a fierced glancing, had made me stepped backward again. With haste movement he reached the tip of the wheelcair and dragging it.

He tried to lift his big body, he used his muscled arms supporting his weak body. His hands gripped the sheet and bed's surface so hard that made the veins and tendons stood out on his pale skin. He grimaced and exhaled, he was really looked in great difficulty. His body was shaky. There was wobbly on his arms...

I really want to help this poor guy... I knew he must feel so embarrassed I was there seeing him. But, I must make sure he's safe.

He succeeded setting his one foot on the shower chair's footplate. And... When lifted his waist up from the bed as dragging one other leg, his wobbly figure moved awkwardly...! I could recognize he's in trouble! And, suddenly...Brugh!! The big body darted off with a heavy thud with the shower chair struck down onto his body!

I let out a scream when that big figure abruptly fell down onto the floor!


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