It was then that the dream came back.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Kyungs heart was racing, his whole mind falling into a state of panic as images and sensations of lips and hands exploring his body, of the sounds he'd made as Jiho fuc- oh god. He'd had a wet dream. He'd had a fucking wet dream about Jiho. This was it. He needed to walk straight into the nearest train track available. Where was that even? He was pretty sure the nearest subway station was only a few blocks away.

Fuck. How was he supposed to face Jiho. This was the weekend, he'd said something about leaving to go somewhere with his friends right? Riiight??

"Shit" He kicked off his blanket completely, hopping off the bed. Just as he took another step, he remembered there was another problem. Slowly looking that, Kyung's face contorted into something akin to intense pain.

"Fuck my life"

Taking care of the problem didn't take too look- and definitely had not involved a certain someone coming back to his imagination for a bit- but Kyung knew this wasn't the hard part. So far the house was silent as far as he knew, that meant that there was a good chance that Jiho wasn't home right?

"Okay Kyung, you can do this" He thought aloud, pushing open the door to his room quietly, peeking out hesitantly, he let out a relived sigh once he found the hall empty. Good. That was a good sign. Walking out slowly, Kyung surveyed the area and as always Jiho's room was closed. At this point it was very much likely that the other had indeed gone out with his friends, but just to be sure...Kyung tiptoed over to the door, placing his ear against it and listening for any sign of breathing.

Unfortunately for him, just as he thought he'd heard the slightest bit of breath, the door was pulled open. Kyung jumped, eyes widening in pure horror as he slowly turned to face Jiho. Fucking Jiho. In all his "let's make everyone hot and bothered and appear in their wet dreams" glory. Fuck. Gulping as he stood up straight, Kyung immediately took in his appearance, a tank top and grey sweats that hung too low on his hips.

Thank you tank top for showing off those arms, I'll make a mental note to burn you later, Kyung internally thought, his eyes catching finally on the pair of glasses on the taller male's face. He knew Jiho wore contacts, but never actually knew he owned a pair of glasses. Cause dammit they looked good on him...and was that stubble?

Okay no Kyung, we're not dying this young. 

Quickly looking away from the other male, Kyung gulped. The images from the dream were coming back and he needed both something to break this awful silence and distract him from those thoughts.

"I thought you said you were going out with friends" He quickly blurted out.

Huge mistake.

The moment Jiho spoke Kyung internally cursed. Voice low and gravely, just as it'd been in his dream when the other had whispered all those dirty statements in his ear, Jiho answered nonchalantly.

"Things didn't work out so we canceled it"

Kyung let out a sound that was somewhere between a whine and a squeak. All those things dream Jiho had said were coming back fresh and he sure as hell did not appreciate it.

"Kyung I need you.."

Kyung swallowed.

"god I love the way you say my name"

"I wanna hear you scream it"

Nope. He wasn't about to do this. Without utttering a single word he made a beeline for his room. Sure it must have looked weird as fuck and probably wasn't the brightest idea, but hey, his sanity came first.

He was leaving this room for the whole day. This was huge. For this he needed backup. Huge fucking backup.

"The fuck is your problem?"

Kyung immediately ran over to his bedroom doorway where Jaehyo, Taeil and Minhyuk had just walked in.

"Seriously are you alright though? I was worried by the message you sent.."

Kyung wasn't sure what there was to worry about, all he'd said was "Code red. I don't have the will to live anymore...please help.."

"You little shit-" Jaehyo hissed again, throwing a pencil he'd picked up from Kyungs desk at the other male.

"Oww? What was that for?" Kyung whined.

"We were scared shitless you fuck!" Jaehyo answered, already grabbing a few more pencils. Minhyuk groaned from beside him.

"Great. On my day off I've gotta deal with this shit. We said code red is only for serious matters" he grumbled, although the small relieved smile on his lips told Kyung he wasn't being serious.

"Jeez sorry, didn't think the message sounded that bad! And in my defense...this is serious.."

At Kyung's claim the other males exchanged a look, looking back at him with expressions that urged him to continue.

"You see..."



Of course Jaehyo and Minhyuk had reacted that way. Kyung's expression was nothing short of disgust as he watched his friends double over in laughter. Taeil on the other hand seemed shocked, his cheeks flushed with evident embarrassment. Kyung was even surprised he knew what a wet dream was.

"Oh my..."

"...So did you like it?"

Oh dear. What had he been thinking when he'd called these idiots?


You're welcome~

More shenanigans to come in the next chapter. Ft poor Kyung avoiding the object of his wet dreams, and Jiho just being confused cause like wtf?

Yes yes, I know y'all love me. Please wash all nosebleed buckets before returning them! I need those for future chapters please.

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