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"Get your ass outta the car Kyung"

Kyung blinked

Were it not for his mother's statement he probably wouldn't have realised that they were now at home. His mind had wondered off at some point during the drive. It tended to do that a lot.

He sighed, taking his time to exit the car.

His mother rolled his eyes

"Fucking grandpa" She muttered

Kyung narrowed his eyes at her.

"Watch your language young lady" He retorted in the most mature, parent like voice he could muster.

His mother stuck her tongue out before strutting into the building.

"Ya real mature!" He called after her.

He heard an exaggerated sigh come from his father as he too headed inside.

Kyung followed after him, feeling slightly sorry for the man as he always had to deal with his and his mother's constant childish bickering.

He dug his hands into his pockets, fingers immediately brushing something smooth.

He pulled his phone out, realising that he hadn't been on the device for over half an hour. That was a new record.

As if reminding him that it needed to be used, the phone vibrated, managing to take the poor boy completely by surprise. He let out a not so manly yelp at the movement and almost dropped the item.

He could hear his mom snicker from across the room.

With an annoyed sigh he unlocked the phone as he made his way up the stairs, aching for the solitude of his room and the comfort of Lee.

He practically glared daggers at his phone, as the tiny numbers 547 were printed at the corner of his messenger icon.

Well his friends had obviously been busy on their group chat.

He clicked into the chat room, flopping onto his bed as he scrolled all the way to the bottom of his unread messages. He didn't really want to know what the others had been talking about-probably just Jaehyo inspired gossip.

He read the last few messages his friends had sent, not missing the fact that Minhyuk had at some point joined the conversation.

Minhyuk: Woah, so they're actually a thing? But I thought sehun was straight?

Jaehyo: Have you met him? I'm 99.9 percent sure he poops rainbows.

Taeil: So he's a unicorn now

Minhyuk: unicorns poop candy, not rainbows.

Taeil: Whatever. At least they're happy. Poor Luhan's been crushing on him for years. Was about time his feelings were returned.

Jaehyo: Oh yeah!!! Did you hear about how Hoseok from dance totally walked in on that Jungkook kid in first year giving Jimin head?

Minhyuk: Shit! Doesn't Hoseok liked Jungkook?

Jaehyo~ yeah....

Taeil~ what's a head?

Kyungs eyes widened. Yeah, he had to intervene.

Kyung~ oh my god guys!!! Go talk about your inappropriate gossip somewhere else! There are inoccent children in the vicinity!

The reply came quickly.

Minhyuk~ Hey man, how was the wedding?

Kyung rolled his eyes

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