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Okay. Breathe.

Kyung inhaled, counting three seconds before letting out a loud exhale. He could do this, he repeated to himself, eyes glued on his apparence in the mirror.

He still had about 20 minutes till Jiho said they'd be leaving, and he hadn't stepped out of his room since then.

For him it was unusual having something on that wasn't the usual t-shirt or hoodie. Plus there was also the fact that the pants he was wearing felt about 10 sizes too small, as they hugged especially tightly around his legs. Jaehyo had insisted he wear them, stating that it "looked nice on him." The comment had ended with a mischevious snicker, and for the sake of his own sanity, he'd decided to ignore it- plus at this point he'd honestly given up all his attempts at defying the other. 

The gold chain that he'd received from Jaehyo now hung around his neck, as well as the two small black earrings he'd decided to wear last minute. He pursed his lips, wondering if he was overdoing it? He was beginning to feel like Jaehyo- he'd even styled his hair for Pete's sake...

A small knock interrupted his thoughts and he froze, looking at the time.

5:50 it read. 10 more minutes till they'd have to leave.

"You ready?" An all too familiar voice called from the other side of the door. Kyung exhaled once more, chewing on his bottom lip nervously as he made his way to the door. He opened it slowly, peeking out first before letting the door open completely.

"We're leaving soon. Just letting you know." Jiho spoke immediately, his eyes glued on his phone. Unlike Kyung, he had on a simple black T-shirt with a white lion print on it. Despite it's simplicity, the other looked absolutely great in it with his spike recently dyed hair. Kyung cough.

"Sure." He mumbled, the answer enough to get Jiho to look up. Kyung shivered as Jiho's gaze bluntly scanned him from head to toe, his face expressionless.

"What?" He asked once their gazed finally met. Jiho shrugged.

"You look nice." He simply said, giving a slight nod. Kyung flushed, and for lack of a better response, muttered a quiet "shut up." Jiho chuckled.

"Alright, be downstairs in a few minutes kay?"

Kyung nodded.

"Sure whatever."


Kyung gulped.

It was all he could really do as he faced the ridiculously huge building that Jiho had pulled in front of. From it's several windows streamed out different colours of light, and the music was so loud that he could feel the vibrations from the car.

"It's a lot scarier on the inside. Trust me."

Kyung turned to glare at Jiho, not appreciating the nerve wracking statement. Jiho smirked.

"Don't worry, stick to me and you'll be safe." He joked, pushing his car door open.

"Oh yeah." He added, stopping midway of getting out.

"No alcohol for you."

Kyung scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, making sure to sound as offended as possible. Jiho rose a brow and Kyung sneered, aware that he was referring to his drunk incident a few days ago.

"You're not my mom." He chose to say, earning a long sigh from the other.

"Maybe not, but I don't think you want to be waking up in my bed again." He answered, pausing before deciding to add.

I Don't mind (Zikyung: block b)Where stories live. Discover now