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He should have known.

Of course Sun Jae was up to something.

"Did Jiho see it yet?"

Kyung remained speechless, lips parted slightly as his eyes remained glued on the phone screen in front of him. Jaehyo's words completely brushed over his head as he took in the picture that had been practically shoved into his face by his friends that morning.

"What happened Kyung? The whole school's going crazy about it man. Who even is he?" Taeil asked, even he knew about what was going on despite the fact that he was always being left out of things.

Kyung once again remained quiet, still staring at the picture in horror. He recognized it immediately, the hunched over figure of Sun Jae as they kissed. He shivered, finally looking away.

"Who took that picture?" He asked, more to himself than to anyone.

"Some random person..." Jaehyo says, reading the username underneath the post.

"But that's besides the case, who is he?"

Kyung groaned at the question, reeling back slightly. This was bad. This was really bad. Jaehyo frowned, obviously noting his discomfort. Both he and Taeil had cornered him that morning and had practically shoved their phones in his face. They were currently still at Kyung's locker, but since it was still early, not a lot of people were in the halls yet.

"Boi start explaining. Who is this guy who's trying to sink my ship?" He asked, crossing his arms as if he were personally offended. Taeil nodded in agreement and Kyung groaned.

Of course neither of them could tell that it was Sun Jae in the picture due to the fact that the angle it had been taken was a bit unclear. And since Neither Jaehyo or Taeil knew Sun Jae well, if at all, they were left to question his identity.

"You don't know him cause he doesn't go here, but Jiho knows him." Kyung groaned, rubbing his temple.

"Fuck this is really bad. I swear it's not what it looks like" He mumbled, and as if on cue a group of girls passed beside them, freezing when their eyes landed on Kiel before erupting into chatter.

Kyung looked away, annoyed but much too embarrassed to do anything about it.

Luckily he had Jaehyo for that.

The other was already wheeling around to face the girls before he had to say anything.

"Don't you bitches have something better to do other than gossiping about other peoples fucking business? If you're that bored then I suggest you get a life and focus on that instead" He hissed, the words spewing out with venom.

The girls scurried away, their expressions ranging from fear to irritation. Kyung froze when he heard one of the girls mumble.

"He's probably a two timer as well."

Another whisper followed.

"Hoes gotta stick with hoes ya know"

It took both Kyung and Taeil to hold Jaehyo back from probably killing those girls.

"Ignore that Jaehyo. They're mean.." Taeil mumbled. Kyung wanted to agree with him but he really couldn't. He was sure that comments such as the ones he'd just heard would be something he'd be hearing a lot today, and quite frankly they were hard to just "ignore"

"Let it go Jaehyo" He simply mumbled, sighing as he turned to go. This day was going to be shit, that much was obvious.


Kyung didn't see Jiho at lunch. He didn't see him after school either.

"Doesn't he usually drive you home?" Minhyuk asked as Kyung got into the car that his parents had finally let him take out.

I Don't mind (Zikyung: block b)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ