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*Hugs all of you cause you're all wonderful human beings* Thanks guys, sorry for keeping you waiting so long and for all the nice comments, you're all so sweet~
I think I'm better now :)


Kyung didn't know how he got himself into these situations.

He should have known from the start that dating Wu Jiho would most definitely have it's consequences.

"What do you want from me?" Kyung asked, turning his head to the side, back digging uncomfortable into the cool metal doors of the lockers behind him. The hallway was relatively empty and it only served to make everything feel more sinister.

Sun Jae chuckled, the sound low enough to send a shiver of something Kyung could only associate with fear, up his spine. He was close. Too close.

"It's more of a need than a want in my opinion~"

Kyung frowned. He wondered what his chances of success would be were he to kick Sun Jae and make a run for it. Probably nonexistent considering how well built the other boy looked. At least he was still able to muster up a glare despite the threatening proximity.

"What do you need from me?" He asked, adding as much spite to the question as possible.

Sunjae grinned.


A couple hours ago

"Take a selfie with me ~"

Kyung glared at Jiho.


Jiho faked a pout, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy.

"Why not?" He whined, and Kyung rolled his eyes, shutting his locker door. The bell for lunch had gone a while ago, and Kyung hadn't expected Jiho to show up waiting for him already at his locker.

"Cause I don't want to" He answered, moving out of the hug and walking towards the cafeteria. Jiho followed, hands retracting to his pockets.

"You and your friends should sit with us" He said immediately they walked into the cafeteria. Kyung frowned slightly

"Now why would we do that?" He asked, walking towards the usual table he sat with his friends at. He could already see Jaehyo and Taeil from the distance. Jiho shrugged.

"Cause we're dating, doesn't that mean we should eat together?" He answered, walking ahead of Kyung to the table. Both Jehyo and Taeil looked up in surprise when they both sat down.

"..hi?" Taeil greeted awkwardly and Jiho nodded at him.


"What's happening here?" Jaehyo asked, directing the question at Kyung with a slight nod. Kyung shrugged.

"He's sitting with us I guess" He mumbled, and just as he was about to say more, a loud thump interrupted him. With an eye brow raised he looked up to see Yukwon sitting beside him.

"Heyo~" He greeted and Kyung had to hold back a huff. The blonde looked around.

"Where's Minhyuk?" He asked, just as Jihoon made his way over as well, almost giving poor Taeil a heart attack.

"He's on his way" Jaehyo answered, sending a teasing smirk Taeil's way. As if on cue Minhyuk all but materialized behind Yukwon.

"Hey...you're sitting here today?" He asked and Yukwon nodded, the slight blush in his face evident. Kyung wasn't sure if he wanted to coo or gag.

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