Tag challenge

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(Aka, get to know the author-that's me- better)

Kay, so there's this tag challenge thing that's been going around, and I was tagged by l0ved_One to do it. So here's how it works (I think)

1.the person who tagged you made a lists of 13 questions that u have to answer

2.You answer the questions

3.You make 13 questions of your own

4. You tag people to answer ur questions (you're allowed to tag people who tagged you back.)

Don't forget to post the instructions so whoever u tagged isn't confused lol.

So here are the questions that I was tagged with, and my answers (y'all r free to comment ur opinions and answers to the questions too)

1. What's your ultimate bias group?

Bts Bts Bts

2. If you could only save one bias of yours from a burning house, who would it be?

Lol easy. Exo's Chanyeol cause he controls fire and can save the rest of my biasi (insert smug ass face)

3. A cool random fact about you?

Uhmm...I'm a pretty lame person... Let's see, I take singing and guitar lessons, and I also love drawing too (bitch that's three facts, not one)- oh yeah, I also talk to myself like that lol.

4. Favorite foreign food?


5. OTP

Kookmin (cause yes, I firmly believe that Jungkook and Jimin got some background thing going for them, if you know what I mean (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

6. What would you do if your favorite group disbanded.

*cue the sad music, Kleenex boxes, and 500 bowls of ice cream*

7. If you had to choose one show to watch for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Hmm...that's a hard one....fuck I really don't know lol. It'll probably be some realllly gay anime (like Yuri on ice or something.)

8. What do you think of Koreaboos.

Too extra

9. Solo artist or group?


10. If you could only buy albums, or subscribe to Netflix for the rest of your life what would you choose?

Albums. I don't even use Netflix (ikr whuuht?!!)

11. Do you like waffles.

They're okay. More of a pancake person tho

12. Tablo vs Mad clown.

Not big on either but If I had to choose I'd go mad clown cause damnnnn those glasses work for him XD

13. One meme to describe yourself

Aaaaaaand that's it for my answers

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Aaaaaaand that's it for my answers

Now for my questions...

1. Do you like sweets?

2. Of course, what kpop group do you Stan?

3. Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla (the most important question in the world)?

4. Ultimate bias?

5. For bts fans, jibooty or jithighs?

6. Weirdest thought you've ever had?

7. Most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

8. What super power would you like to have?

9. If you could bitch slap any celebrity in the world, who would you slap?

10. Cats or dogs?

11. Greatest fear?

12. Weird ability that you have?

13. How would you react/ feel if you found out that you're being shipped with your best friend?

And that's it, I look forward to reading ur comments and answers.

Cause I have to tag people, imma just tag all my followers. That shouldn't stop y'all tho, if u wanna do this challenge go for it!!!

ZoeyAgnew Demon_Angel45 __parkkyungkklub StraightAsANoodle -insecures Nicky_Rebellia RaelynnLuv justthatcoolnerd ArianaTale LGMabi MysteryWriter1917 asexual-armadillo Baby_Clear Bluefuffyneko2 l0ved_One Magnus-Bae1

(Ya they're not that much lol)

Anyways, have fun :)

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