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The car was silent and Kyung dreaded it.

He stared at his mother suspiciously.

Part of him was hoping that she wouldn't mention the events that had occurred earlier,the other knew that she most likely would.

A cough interrupted the tense quiet, not doing anything to help the atmosphere.

Kyung turned to his father who held a tight grip on the steering wheel, obviously having noticed the tension.

He sent a curious look at both of them before returning his gaze back to the road.

Kyung didn't even remember having seen him after the wedding.

His father wasn't one for social gatherings and as a result had immediately retreated for his car the moment he had the chance to.

"So.." His mother began.

Kyung froze.

His mother hadn't said anything about what she saw yet. In fact after having witnessed it, she'd only said bye to Jiho with a smile and had asked Kyung to follow her to the car.

The walk there had been silent too.

It wasn't like Kyung was worried that she was mad. No. That was most definitely not the case.

After all it wasn't exactly news to either of his parents that he was gay. They'd covered 'that' discussion years ago.

What worried Kyung the most however, was the fact that his mother 'thought' she had seen him and Jiho- Her apparently 'close friend's son'.

Kyung knew his mother and was well aware of how hard it was to convince her against something she saw with her own two eyes.

"How was the wedding?" She finished, asking the question to no one in general.

Kyung narrowed his eyes.

She was definitely trying to tease him by avoiding the topic.

He didn't answer the question, instead waiting for someone else- in this case his father- to do so.

"It was nice. You know the bride right?"

His mom laughed

"Of course I do" She bellowed

"Remember the Yunhwa I always talk about? It's her younger sister that got married"

His dad's mouth shaped into an 'o'

Kyung sighed. Even his dad didn't know who had gotten married. As a matter of fact neither of them knew anyone was going to get married till two days ago when his mom had randomly taken them shopping for fancy clothes.

"Speaking of which, Yunhwa's son was at the wedding too"

Kyung almost choked on air at the mention of Jiho.

His father raised a brow.

"That's nice" He simply said.

Kyung's mother smiled deviously.

"It sure is" Her smile widened

"Kyung seemed to enjoy his presence"

Kyung involuntarily flushed. Now she mentions it.

"It's wasn't like that! I swear!"

His mother giggled

"It sure looked like it to me" She cooed.

"What are you guys talking about?" His father asked, obviously confused.

His mother laughed.

"Kyung's just denying the fact that I'd caught him and Yunhwa's son making out" She casually stated.

His father's eyes widened.

Of course he was surprised.

Kyung wasn't someone for romantic relationship. He was as single as they came.

"We weren't making out mom" Kyung whined

She rose a brow.

"Suuure, you were only hugging with your mouths" She teased.

Kyung face flushed.

"There were these two girls who were hitting on Jiho so he pretended to kiss me and made me play along so they wouldn't approach him and-"

"Honey, please use punctuation when u speak, I can't hear you" His mother joked.

Kyung realised he'd been speaking super fast and he exhaled.

"We weren't kissing. We were just pretending to in order to discourage these two girls from hitting on Jiho"

His mom stared at him for a while, contemplating his words.

She smirked


Kyung groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration.

His mother laughed.

"Fine fine, I believe you" She added.

Kyung let out a relieved sigh

"I still think you guys look cute together"

He groaned again.

"Make her stop" he whined to his father.

He shrugged.

"I don't know, it's nice to hear that you have your attention on someone other than Lee"

His mother giggled and Kyung sent them both a glare.

Lee was Kyung's self proclaimed boyfriend.

Who also happened to be his bed.

"I'm starting to think Lee's the only one in this world who understands me" Kyung whined, albeit a small smile playing on his lips.

His mother snorted


Sorry this is so short, I'll definitely make the next chapter longer. I also apologize for the fact that this story sucks balls,so yeah -_-

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